

Garlic on the street.
Berakatz ferixa.
Ajos en la calle.
People on the street buying garlic in the old part of the town. Morning market.
Jendea berakatzak erosten zentroko kalean.
Gente comprando ajos en la parte vieja de la ciudad. Mercado matutino.

Typical dresses. Women wear skirt, underskirt and underskirt trousers. (Don´t know exactly how to call them). And shirt with scarf and headscarf. Men wear trousers, shirt and "blusa".
Jantzi tipikoak. Emakumeek gona, azpikogona eta pololoak janzten dituzte. Alkondara eta paineluak, buruan eta lepoan. Gizonezkoek frakak, alkondara eta blusa.
Trajes típicos. Las mujeres visten falda, combinación y pololos. Camisa y pañuelo en el cuello y la cabeza. Los hombres visten pantalones, camisa y blusa.

Music. "Txistu" and "tamboril". One is mine and the others are my band mates´. You also can see the typical shoes called "albarcas". Musika. Txistua eta tanborila. Bat nirea da eta besteak kuadrila kidekoak. Albarkak ere ikus ditzakezue. Música, txistu y tamboril. Uno es mío y los otros son los de mis compañeras de cuadrilla. También se pueden el calzado típico, las albarcas.

5 comentarios:

  1. en français...l'ail, j'adore et dans le nord de la France, mes origines, tu peux l'acheter aussi comme cela ! On le pend dans la cuisine et ça sent très bon !
    et thanks a lot for tes gentils commentaires !
    bises !Elodie

  2. Elodie, my french is so short, sorry. But I think I understand most of which you said.Thanks for your comments.

  3. What a lot of garlic! I've never seen garlic stacked so high, I wonder if it all got sold. I didn't realize you are part of a band, that's very interesting, tell us more! In my country we used to have fiesta like that: a celebration of culinary and other tranditions, and we still do my village, but in most parts of Italy they've now been replaced but "saga", which are events dedicated to ripping off tourists really.

  4. What an interesting post. Thank you! I love all that garlic. And I fantazise about how the music sounds.

  5. That is a lot of garlic- I would love it too! Hmmm... I don't think I have made any spanish food, do most of your dishes call for a lot of garlic? This is going to be on my list to look for a good spanish cookbook.

    I don't recall knowing you were in a band. Please tell us more about your band.

    Thanks for sharing my friend! xoxo


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