
Corner view: bright

                             Foto from Here

Last week was my birthday. It should have been a bright day. 40 years old are a great quantity to celebrate. But really it was not so. I had a tiny and familiar one. Breakfast outside, lunch with brother and coffee with parents. I thought I would receive more phone calls, but lately everyone just send a wasap message and that´s enough. Real friends phone me, must say...and that is important. And feel more closed to ones that are far, than those to live closed.

I felt lonely and estimated good friends friendship, but good friends usually live far. But some days you need just to feel them closed. And that was the day.

We are having problems at work, as we were absorbed by another Enterprise and we are not sure what our future will be. So all together bright days are not so usual here lately.

I try to look at the bright side of life (as the song says) but not always is easy. Just need to take breath and start writting and taking photos again.

La semana pasada fue mi cumpleaños. Debía ser un día brillante. 40 no se cumplen todos los días  y había que celebrarlo. Pero realmente no fue así. Tuve una celebración discreta y familiar. Desayunar  con un amigo, comer con mi hermano y tomar café con mis padres. Pensaba que iba a recibir más llamadas de teléfono, pero últimamente todo el mundo se conforma con enviar un wasap. Los verdaderos amigos me llamaron, y he de decir que fue muy importante para mí. Sentí que estaban muy cerca, más incluso de aquellos que físicamente están aquí.

Me sentí sola y estimé mucho la amistad de los buenos amigos, que por desgracia viven lejos. Pero algunos días necesias algo más, un abrazo, una mirada...y ese fue el día.

Últimamente estamos teniendo problemas en el trabajo. Fuimos absorbidos por otra empresa y no sabemos cuál va a ser nuestro futuro. Así que los días alegres y brillantes no son lo habitual por aquí.

Trato de ver la parte buena de la vida, pero no siempre es fácil. Solo necesito coger aire, y volver a escribir y sacar fotos.

Pasatako astean nire urtebetetzea zen. Eta halako egun berezia nahi nuen. 40 urte ez dira egunero egiten. Eta egia esan, egun lasai eta familikoa izan nuen. Lagun batekin gozaldu, anaiarekin bazkaldu eta kafia gurasoen etxean hartu. Dei gehiago espero nituen, baina azkenaldina jendeak wasapa denetarako erabiltzen du eta deiaren hurbiltasuna galtzen hasi da. Benetako lagunek deitu ninduten, urruti bizi diren horiek. Eta asko poztu ninduen haien ahotsa entzutea. Egia esan urruti bizi diren horien hurbiltasuna sentitu nuen, hemen ondoan daudenena baino.

Bakarrik sentitu nintzen eta benetako lagunak hor sentitu nituen. Baina batzutan hemen izatea nahiko nuke, kafe bat hartu eta besarkatu nazaten, begietara begiratu eta den ondo joango dela esateko. Eta hori behar nuen nik. 

Lanean arazoak ditugu azkenaldian .Ez dakigu zelako etorkizuna datorren, eta horrek urduritzen gaitu. Ez da erreza egun argiak eta alaiak edukitzea.

Bizitzaren alde ona ikusten saiatzen naiz, baina batzutan ez da hain erreza. Denbora behar diat, airea hartu eta berriro idatzi eta argazkiak ateratzeko.

25 comentarios:

  1. Happy 4Oth! wishing you a fantastic year ahead filled with good health and lots of joy! Love the pink rocks!

  2. Cuánto lo siento Ibabe. Sobre todo que lo hayas vivido así. El día a día muchas veces nos come a todos y nos perdemos instantes importantes, probablemente yo lo haya hecho también más de una vez.
    Cumplir los 40 ya es un momento que hace tambalear ciertos cimientos, si además estás viviendo momentos laborales complicados, tienes derecho a derrumbarte un poco. Déjate caer, no pasa nada. Llórate, encabrónate, para luego parar y seguir fotografiando.
    Muxu erraldoia

    1. Mila esker...en el fondo me lo pasé bien...pero creo que necesita algo más...alguna cerveza más...

  3. happy bright 40th!!!
    what a colors!! love it!

  4. Well, I hope it's not too late to wish you your 40! So haaaaappy birthdaaaaay!!!!! :)
    Unfortunately I was 40 years 3 years ago ... :(
    time flies ...

    1. Not unfortunately...we are in our best.
      And it is not too late...I will celebrate everyday....

  5. Vaya, lo siento, vivimos tiempos de grandes inestabilidades laborales, aunque se empeñen en decirnos que todo va a mejor. En cualquier caso Zorionak!!! Muxu bat

    1. Mila esker. Es la incertidumbre y el miedo que nos meten el que no nos deja avanzar...oir las noticias es chocarte todos los días con una realidad en la que no quieres hacer frente....pero hay que seguir sonriendo.

  6. trouble is people hardly ever know and do what we expect. so, for your next milestone, you should invite your friends, and have a party: they will come, and will wish you a happy birthday! as a matter of fact, it isn't too late to celebrate: have a dinner party this weekend! (may I suggest Asian food? :))

    1. We are going to celebrate to Barcelona. But need that day hugh

  7. I'm sad to read this... even If I wish you a happy birthday... and know how your bright side is beautiful...

    1. It was special to be with family and so...not so sad...but that inside hole....thanks

    2. It was special to be with family and so...not so sad...but that inside hole....thanks

  8. happy belated birthday Ibabe ... I think you should follow Francesca's suggestion and make a big dinner party :)

    1. I will celebrate...but the day...would love someone to surprise me....you know

    2. I will celebrate...but the day...would love someone to surprise me....you know

  9. Here I will tell you also again Happy birthday my dear!

    My 40th was in December. And I have hardly celebrated him. Eating with my parents and my daughter. That was it. The 40th was not good for me. I do not feel like 40. I still think and feel like when life is eventually going on? That's funny. Actually, I should be in the middle. And yet it does not feel that way. More like wait. But what?

    I hope you are doing well.

    1. That´s exactly...Middle...Waiting...that´s exactly my feeling...and you have a great daughter....

  10. isn't it so? i've seen telephone connections wane over the years (i am ten years older though). what i do also discover is friends stay friends, and connections stay that. it's a whole different equation, virtuality. and we've got to pick up from it what we want, and let go of the rest. anyway, ibby? a very happy 40th. many, many happy returns, my sweet. n♥
    and yes, please! ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE. it isn't half a challenge, but SO worth it. x

  11. Berandu bada ere... besarkada erraldoi bat!!! Eta zorionak, noski!!!! :*

  12. OH, a very belated happy birthday to you. I know what you're talking about of expectations about birthday phonecalls and so on - sometimes it can be really dissapointing. Good thanks for good computer connection so that the real friends even the far ones can be connected.
    Maybe my quote is more to ensure myself that things will be better, but not all goes right here either. So we have to hope for the brighter side of life.
    Wish you a good monday anyway.
    barbara bee

  13. Looking amazing!
    Have a nice week end!
    Photographe Gil Zetbase

  14. Dear Ibabe, How can I have missed this post!! Happy 40th!! My favorite pink! That color surely will always help you look on the bright side. Did you know fuscia pink is the color of JOY!! I declare that color for you for your 40th year!! I think your photo is prophetic! It (she? Joy!) so wants to come to be with you this year. Lots of Joy to you Ibabe,


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
Gracias por pasar