
Corner view: books

Books are quite everywhere at home. These are the "german" ones. Thomas Mann, Herman Hesse, Stefan Zweig, Rainer Maria Rilke (my favorite), etc.

The "rusians". Dostoiesky, Tolstoi, Gorki, Turgeniev.....

The "italians". Alessandro Baricco (lovely way of telling stories), Italo Calvino and his invisibles cities to get lost in...Cesare Pavese...some portuguese, some of Pessoa and Jose Saramago...
As you can see I have quite clasic taste on books. Lately I am reading less...arrive at bed quite tired, and I am reading more "light" books...I am one of those who buys books. I like it. And I try to read or find books that are mentioned in other books, or that someone has told about, or that has some conections...for example I discovered Haruki Murakami´s Norwegian wood in a trip to Italy. A friend told us in a dinner that her girlfriend has said to him, that before going out together he must read that book...so I took note, it must be something interesting. I read also diary books, or correspondence books just to know better the writers I like, to understand better. Books are part of me.
Liburu nahiko klasikoak irakurtzen dituz. Liburuak erostea gustoko dut. Orduak liburu denda batean sartuta igaro, etxean eta kanpoan nagoenean. Beti ekartzen ditut liburuak bidaietatik. Liburuak erreferentziak jarraituz erosten ditut, liburu hau norbaitek izendatzen badu, edo norbaiten elkarrizketan agertzen den edo beste liburu batean ateratzen denean...eta egunerokoak eta eskutitz liburuak ere gustoko ditut, idazleak hobe ezagutu eta ulertzeko. Liburuak nire parte bat dira.
Me gustan los libros bastante clásicos y en general extranjeros del siglo XIX y XX. Me gusta comprar, perderme en las librerías de medio mundo, encontrando, buscando y descubriendo. Siempre que visito alguna ciudad, siempre termino en alguna librería recorriendo sin descanso estanterías y estanterías. Leo por referencia, porque encontré el título en otro libro, porque una novia obligaba a su futuro novio a leer a Murakami, porque aparecía en una película...me gustan también los diarios y los libros de cartas, ayudan a comprender y conocer al escritor-persona. Los libros son parte de mí.

29 comentarios:

  1. Great bookshelves....funny, but the photo of my book shelf I posted has Norwegian Wood and If on a Winter's Night a Traveller.....

  2. rilke, dostoeivsky, barrico... mis favoritos también. gracias por tu visita. saludos, kenza.

  3. I can totally relate on what your writing. Although my classic collection is a little bit smaller than yours. Hope you get more reading time soon!

  4. When I look at your library... the titles of your books, the authors... I know we share a lot of thoughts... and we share the same "method"... the same "connections"...

  5. Ditto..could it be, we share identical taste in books!
    Starting with the Germans...with Rilke...

    This c.v. it's interesting too, so many posts mention Haruki Murakami, I coulnd't help noticing because I mentioned him as well.

    Happy Reading!!!♡
    PS as books are from paper from trees it makes sense that we all see the leaves fall from the 'same' tree and we read the 'same' book...
    I picked up a yellow ginko leaf today and thought of you:)

  6. yes i agree. i love seeing what everyone mentions. we all have a lot in common... warm hugs! (man! it´s cold out!)

  7. Pessoa...He's a genious, I spent all my adolescence reading his books;)

  8. Oh, it's like a library !!!

  9. i like how you have categorised them.

  10. Your book s are so much better organized than mine. One of these days I really need to slow down enough to do that. You have a wonderful library!

  11. Madre mía estarás hecha toda una cultureta!!
    A mí también me influencia bastante eso de ver referencias de libros en otros.Empecé este verano con 'Ella que todo lo tuvo' de Ángela Becerra, que tiene muchísimas referencias literarias y de ahí pasé a la poseía de Salinas, a 'Emma' de jane Austen , de ahí a 'Jane Eyre' y de ahí a 'Madame Bovary'...y me falta Anna Karenina. Además,últimamente las referencias a Murakami son excesivas y voy a tener que acabar leyéndome algo suyo!
    Los tienes todo muy bien ordenados! Muchos besos

  12. How do you like Murakami? I've been on a big kick with him lately.

  13. My husband does just the same, he'll take note on a scrap bit of paper of every single book someone mentioned as good. Books can be a whole life.

  14. I really love to read (and buy) books too, unfortunately not always enough time/energy for it. On my Christmas holiday I'll enjoy my reading time :)

  15. That's a great collection!

    I love to re-read Herman Hesse, i think i'll do that this christmas!

  16. books are amazing universal, in all languages. we have many of those, too!

  17. how cool that your books are grouped by country !

  18. Yes! Murakami, Rilke, Calvino .... All great books on your shelf :)

  19. I love your collection. Even though I am a big reader I have many, many of the great classics left to read.

  20. You have a great taste. I wish I read everything that you mention. I also tend to look up books that I read about in other books. And I also read diaries, for a certain time I only read those and biographies as I thought these were the only interesting to read UNTILL I read a life long diary of one Czech translator and he spoke about literature in such a way that I almost started to think that the literature was the only important thing in a life. I red few excellent Russian writers thanks to him: Platonov, Bunin, Baabel
    So Baricco, I am looking it up.

  21. very nice my friend. I love your collection.xo

  22. You have a great collection ... I think, I have to read some of Haruki Murakami next :-)

  23. same here, knackered in the evenings, I'm reading at snail pace but keep trying every night. I keep trying, I keep trying, I keep tryzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  24. I love that you have books according to countries! So great!

  25. Hi, just came across your blog, fun to read your corner view:)


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