
Leather and photo coin purse

I want something special for a friend. Her family is from Zarautz and loves the view of the Getaria Mouse from the beach.
Lagun batentzat zeozer berezia nahi nuen. Bere Zarauzkoa da eta maite du ondartzatik ikusten den Getariko arratoiaren irudia .
Quería algo especial para una amiga. Es de Zarauz y le encanta la foto que hay del Ratón de Getaria desde la playa.

So I did a little purse with the photo.
Beraz karteratxoa egin nuen argazkiarekin.
Así que hice un pequeño monedero con la foto.
She is graphic designer and works for a sport cloth company. She cannot be without making things, patchword, cross stiching, ceramics...She was a great taste and her blog is becoming a great reference of links of arts, crafts and design, writen in spanish.
Diseinu grafikoan lana egiten du mendi arropa empresa baten. Ezer egin gabe ezin da ibili, patchword, punto de cruz, zeramika...Gusto haundiko neska diagu eta bere bloga gutxika gutxika, erreferente bat bilakatzen ari da gaztelariaz idatzitakoen artean.
Es diseñadora gráfica y trabaja para una empresa de ropa deportiva. No puede estar sin hacer nada, patchword, punto de cruz, cerámica...Tiene muy buen gusto y su blog se está convirtiendo poco a poco en un referente de enlaces de arte, diseño y manualidades escrito en castellano.

14 comentarios:

  1. did you make it, that is so nice, I"m sure she will love her gift

  2. Very nice idea and image. How did you print on leather? I followed your link, so many talented people around!

  3. A nice idea... I saw the blog of your friend, it's nice too... thanks...

  4. this is so cool. i´m sure she´ll love it. besos!

  5. Me encanta tu idea!!! Eso sí que es pensar en la persona...

  6. I love the coin purse. I love what you do with leather. Have a golden weekend my friend. xo

  7. that´s a super cute and special purse. Your friend can carry the view around with her now. Wonderful idea.

  8. Oh wow, this is so pretty! And such a creative idea!!

  9. Special indeed!
    I went "ah!!" with surprise to see the photo appear on the purse. Magically conceived, and wonderfully crafted:)

  10. Oh, this is such a great idea! I love it!

  11. I too like the idea, it is a great gift for a friend. Also the time you put into it. And the love you put into your words!

  12. I didn't know you could print images on leather!! What a great idea :)

  13. Mila ezker kariño!!!!!!!!
    Badakizu nola nabilen eta ezin izan dizut post bat idatzi nere blogean...baña despues de la tormenta llega la calma eta orduan idatziko dizut!!!mila ezker berriz be!!!
    PD:leporaino nago, blogean sartu ere enaiz egiten!!!!
    muxu mila!!!


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Mila esker etortzeagatik
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