
Christmas nights

Walking home from work, I took a time to walk in the old part. Just not to return home without doing something special. Just to take my time to breath the calm of these streets.
Lanetik etxerako bidean, alde zaharretik itzuli naiz. Zuzenean etxera ez joateko, zeozer berezia egin nahiean. Denbora hartzeko kaleen ixiltasuna ausnartzeko.
Al volver del trabajo, me he desviado por el casco viejo. Simplemente para no volver directamente a casa, para hacer algo diferente. Simplemente para saborear la calma de las calles a esa hora.

Lights, nearly desert street and a light rain. A strange feeling for a monday.
Argiak, ia jenderik gabeko kaleak eta euri fin bat. Egun arraroa astelehenekoa.
Luces, calles casi desiertas y una fina lluvia. Extraño día para un lunes inocente.

12 comentarios:

  1. I got your card today, thank you so much.
    Love its cut work and the photo.
    Best wishes for 2010 !!

  2. Looks like it was a wet, cold but peaceful walk my friend! Happy New Year! xo

  3. Looks like a nice walk!

    I got the magazines just before Christmas - everything was just such a mess then that I forgot to let you know! On the very same day, I also sent you yours. I hope they'll be there soon:)

  4. Nice quiet place...Happy end of the year !!!

  5. At what time do you finish work? Sometimes just after Christmas it all seems to quieten down in an almost unreal way.

  6. looks so pretty..the last photo is my fav one

  7. Your words walk me through those Spanish streets, too. Fare well,

  8. The city is always calm after the christmas shopping rush, its the best time to take a walk.

  9. haces posts trilingües!!! eres lo + feliz año para ti también!

  10. I would love to walk there ...

    Happy New Year, happy 2010... xo, j.

  11. beautiful!
    happy new year!
    and a big hug too!

  12. beautiful shots ibb. p.s. you should present these in the "winter in the old part" photo contest! warm wishes for the new year!


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Mila esker etortzeagatik
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