
Ginko: Identical post

JGY quoted some lines by Otli about ginko. I was asked to show the ginkos near me.
JGY eta Otlik ginkgoari buruz ibili dira hitzegiten. Hor dihoaz nire ingurukoak.
JGY y Otli han estado jugango con las hojas del gingo. Hay van las mías.

6 comentarios:

  1. Ohhh thank you !!!! It's beautiful and a kind attention... Beautiful pictures for a beautiful tree (and very special golden leaves)...

  2. And... I forget... - 5 near Paris this morning ;)

  3. me encantan esos árboles!

    He visto Vitoria en la tele y en seguida me he acordado de ti jajaja
    Yo no puedo con este frío, soy una chica de costa, no de España profunda!!!

  4. I don't think I've ever seen that tree, though it seems to be quite widespread! It's COLD there, quite cold here too, actually, but above zero and, mercifully, no snow.

  5. Beautiful!
    Thank you, I smiled immediately at the title.
    I love the connections, through the golden leaves. I see the raindrops too,

    Sending some southern Japan warmth, still is not too cold here yet!...:))

  6. this morning it was - 7° when we left for the school !!!


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