
Red balloon.

On Saturday morning we went out to take some photos. There is a photo competition and a friend asked me for some help. I was the "assistant"of this little princess. While her father took photos, I must take care of the doll, change caps, try the balloon to be ok, feed the little princess....and take some photos on my own.
Larunbat goizean argazki batzuk ateratzera joan ginen. Argazki txapelketa dau eta lagun batek laguntza eskatu zidan. Prinzesaren laguntzailea nintzen. Aitak argazkiak ateratzen zizkion bitartean, nik panpina zaindu behar nuen, kapelak aldatu, puzika ondo egon zedin zaiatu, prinzesatxoari jaten eman...eta argazki batzuk atera.
El sábado a la mañana salimos a sacar fotos. Hay una competición de fotografía y un amigo me pidió ayuda. Era la ayudante de la princesilla. Mientras su padre sacaba fotos, yo tenía que ocuparme de sujetar a su muñeca, de cambiarle el gorro, de mantener el globo ok, de darle de comer...y sacar alguna fotito.

I had a brilliant morning. Thanks to both.

6 comentarios:

  1. She looks like a good and kind princess, it must have been fun! Hope your friend is happy with the photo shoot results!

  2. A pretty picture for a brilliant mornig !

  3. sounds relaxing! I hope you have such mornings really often!

  4. Will you enter this in the photo contest? I like it! I loved that movie too of the Red Balloon, and your story and photo remind me of that pure and childlike world of wonder.


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Mila esker etortzeagatik
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