
Summer lonely weekend

Two little faces, sleepy, looking at me while I lay on the bed
Bi aurpegitxo, begira, nola ohean nagoen.
Dos caras, somnolientas, mirando cómo estoy tumbada en la cama.

Sunflowers. So near the city, so far from the noise of the people. Looking at the summer sun.
Eguzkiloreak. Hiritik hain hurbil, jendearen zaratatik hain urrun. Eguzkiari begira.
Girasoles. Tan cerca de la ciudad, tan lejos del bullicio de la gente. Mirando al sol.

All of them, looking at the same place.
Danak leku berdinera begira.
Todos mirando al mismo sitio.

Clouds, water and shadows. Calm. Huge space, lot of things to be reminded.
Hodeiak, ura eta itzalak. Kalma. Izugarrizko leku zabala, gauza asko etorten dira burura. Oroitzapenak.
Nubes, agua y sombras. Calma. Espacios abiertos, y muchos recuerdos que se atropellan por salir.

6 comentarios:

  1. EII!!!kari!!!!zelan asteburua!!!!ni landetan egon naiz astebukaeran...super guztora...orain indartsuago sentitzen naiz...zu ze ibili zara??

  2. What better to look at than the summer sun? Sometimes it's difficult dealing with our memories.

  3. great shots. a friend just told me about all the sunflowers. i´m going tomorrow to shoot some. your shot is terrific. i love happy flowers! besos!

  4. oh, those photos are so great! love the sunflowers.

  5. wow
    great shots
    your dog (is she or he?)is so sweet, aren't they lovely when they are sleepy?
    the sunflowers are just perfect also the clouds and the water!!

  6. Too bad you can't work out an arrangement to share your pup. The flowers are beautiful. xoxo


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