

In spring my brother went to Cuba to visit some family of my sister in law. And brought me this mask. I can find a place to hang at home. Any ideas?
Udaberrian anaia Cuban izan zen, bere neskalagunaren familia bizitatzen. Eta maskara hau ekarri zidan. Non jarri jakin gabe nago. Ideiarik?
En primavera mi hermano estuvo visitando a la familia de su nobia en Cuba. Y me trajo esta máscara. No encuentro el lugar para colgarla en casa. Ideas?
The mask is made of ceramics and it is inspired in african culture.

Maskara zeramikas eginikoa da eta africar kulturan inspiratua dago.
La máscara es de cerámica y está inspirada en la cultura africana.

4 comentarios:

  1. Depending on the colors and designs of your home, the mask could be fun in your bathroom if you have neural colors or earth colors. Even in your living room. I'm sure where ever you find a spot for it, will be perfect. xoxo

  2. In the bathroom?? I haven´t think about that place, will be an option.
    Most of the house is green painted, so it could fit nearly everywhere...have to take a time...

  3. May be it needs a "small" wall... to seem more terrifying... But difficult to say if I can't see your home ;)

  4. Ibb- I know the bathroom. LOL... I love putting things in rooms soomeone wouldn't think to find. Crazy, but fun. xoxo


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