
Juggling, dancing

On Saturday I went with my father to lunch to San Sebastian. It was a grey day but the city was beautiful. After arriving in Vitoria, we went to see the street ambient and found:
European jugging festival
Sapatuan aitarekin Donostira joan ginen bazkaltzera. Egun grisa zen baina hiriak betiko xarma zuen. Gasteizera iristean kaleko ambientearekin egin genun topo:
Europako malabar festibala
El sábado me fui con mi padre a comer a San Sebastian. La ciudad mantenía su encanto pese al tiempo gris. Al volver a casa nos encontramos con el ambiente callejero:
Festival Europeo de Malabares

Rises of the world. An intercultural fest were everyone from everywhere can take part cooking rise and tasting others. And then dance festival.
Munduko arrosak. Festa interkulturala non edonork edonondik datorrela parte hartu dezake arrosa eginez eta besteena dastatuz. Eta gero dantza festibala.
Los arroces del mundo. Una fiesta intercultural donde cada uno, independientemente de su procedencia, cocina arroz y a la vez degusta el de los vecinos. Y festival folklórico.

Sunday was horrible. I could not even went out of home. Couldn´t feel ok. So lonely, so...that pass all day in front of the TV trying not to think, not to feel. Igandea txarra izan zen. Ez nintzen etxetik ere atera. Ez nengoen ondo. Bakarrik sentitzen nintzen, hain...eta eguna telebista aurrean pasa nuen, ez pentsatzeko, ez sentitzeko. El domingo fue horrible. No me sentía bien. Tan sola, tan...Me pasé las horas delante de la tele evitando pensar, evitando sentir.

7 comentarios:

  1. Aupa potxola!!!ni ere ez nuen igandea oso ondo pasa!!larunbatean azkenean merkatua suspenditu egin zen eta zarautzera joan nintzen...lagunekin ondo baña igandean...gurasoen etxetik nire etxera joan nintzenean zelako tristura etxean bakarrik!!
    Animo wapa!!!ta bakarrik sentitu ezkero deitu dudarik gabe!!! ms

  2. Mila esker benetan...eta berdin, nahi eskero deitu.

  3. ooooh... i kept seeing French people everywhere. now i know why... i missed the juggling... am not sure how... :) trust me- you´ll start to feel better soon. besos-jane

  4. I can't see the "emptiness" you described a fex days ago in your pictures !!! They are full of "foule" and life...
    Une pensée pour toi...

  5. When our bodies don't feel good we go to the doctor or the drug store, unfortunately when our hearts hurt only time can heal. Maybe when you feel the saddness coming on you could do something you enjoy like taking pictures, drawing or whatever you enjoy. Have you at least saw Pin? hugs my friend. xoxo

  6. I just signed up to follow you on Flckr. Your photos are beautiful. When you are not working I say grab your camera and head out to take photos. xoxo

  7. Thanks Joyce. I will try to take photos and keep my mind working.
    I haven´t seen Pin for 15 days or more...and I remember his eyes asking for some explication. He is with A. parents. Miss him a lot.


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
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