Saskibaloira joan nintzen, irabazlea aukeratzekobideari inspirazio bila.
Me fui al baloncesto en busca de inspiración para elegir un ganador.
So, we win and I thought...I will take the difference between the teams and take a paper.
Irabazi egin genuen, eta zera pentsatu nun...bien bitarteko ezberdintasuna hartu eta zenbaki horrekin paper bat hartu.
Ganamos, y pensé...tomaré la diferencia de marcador y con ese número cojo un papelito.
I took all the comments in the two post related with the giveaway and did a mountain. Take the numer selected in the match and...the winner is: Joyce. Please write me and send me your address in order to receive the little gift.
Giveawayrekin erlazionatutako bi postetan zeuden komentarioak hartu eta multxotxo bat egin nian. Partiduan aukeratutako zenbakia hartu eta...irabazlea: Joyce.
Tomé todos los comentarios de los dos post, relacionados con el giveaway e hice una montañita. Con el número seleccionado del partido...una ganadora: Joyce.
To the rest, thanks so much for reading, for coming to say hello and for being there. And, I have been awarded here. Thanks Ari.
Congratulations Joyce!
ResponderEliminarAnd congratulations to you for the award!
ResponderEliminarIbb congrats on the award! THANK YOU my friend- I really won?! I LOVE this vase!!! I'll email you. xo