
Corner view: favorite dish

On Saturday morning we decided to do something different. It was raining and raining so we "took" a train to lunch.
Larunbat goizean zeozer ezberdina egitea erabaki genuen. Euria zen mara mara eta tren bat "hartzea" erabaki genuen bazkaltzeko.
El sábado a la mañana decidimos hacer algo diferente. Esta lloviendo a mares así que decidimos "tomar" un tren para comer.

We sat inside. In this old seats, look arround in a calm atmosphere and see how it was raining outside.
Barnean eseri ginen. Leku zaharberritu hauetan, inguruko giro lasaia dastatu genuen eta nola kanpoan euria zen begiratu.
Nos sentamos. En estos asientos de corte antiguo, sintiendo la calma de alrededor y viendo llover fuera.

And have lunch. My favourite dish. It is the one I "ask" mum to make when I come home after travelling. Fried eggs, chips, fried jam or bacon and croquette. It is like a colesterol bomb, but sometimes I need something like this.
Eta bazkaldu genduen. Nire platerrik gustokoena. Hau izaten da kanpoan egon ta gero amari eskatzen diodan platerra. Arraultza prejiruak, patata eta urdaiazpikoarekin. Kolesterol bomba da, baina batzutan gorputzak eskatzen dit.
Y comimos. Me pedí mi plato preferido. Es el que suelo pedirle a mi madre cuando vuelvo de una temporada fuera de casa. Huevos fritos, con patatas, jamón o bacon y croquetas. Es como una bomba de colesterol, lo sé, pero hay veces que la necesito.

Photos are taken in "Cafetería W.L." in Alsasua.

37 comentarios:

  1. I would love to visit that place and to try the cholesterol bomb !!

  2. You share with us this "calm atmosphere"... Nice idea ! Thanks.

  3. Ha ha, you make me smile with your colesterol bomb !!!! It's good sometime to eat this food... I totaly agree with you. Have a great day ! Bises

  4. Where's your side salad:)?
    I love so much those old train cars and busses repurposed as restaurants!

  5. oh i have to go there! it´s a great idea for a rainy day!

  6. Oh that sounds so good. I am reading this before breakfast! Love the idea of a train cafe too :)

  7. It is easy to go. Take N-1 to Donostia. And when you reach the exit Alsasua, P.I. Isasia, take it. Then P.I. Isasia direction to the left. It is easy to see. Beautiful to take a coffee or a simple meal.

  8. ez nun toki hau ezagutzen!!!ke buena,ese plato konbinau potente!!!!jejejejejeje....ta mudantzana, you are welcome!!! nere mutilak re bokata de bacon queso eskatzen du beti!!!ke kasualidad!!!

  9. miammm!
    c'est très tentant !

  10. how lovely. it must have been so charming, too!

  11. Beautifu view ... I like this blue train !

  12. Ay croquetas de madre...
    en mi caso más bien de abuela.

    Esas bombas de colesterol son las que más gustirrinín dan un día que te levantas vaguncia y con el estómago más vacío de lo normal.

  13. A great way to spend a rainy day and top it off with a home cooked meal by mom. Very nice my friend. xo

  14. Perfect way to enjoy a favorite dish!

  15. I crave for that kind of breakfast sometimes too.
    The train ride looks so! nice

  16. Yes, sometimes we certainly need bombs like this. I love croquettes so much.

  17. I love old trains and wagons!! Perfect place and dish for a rainy day lunch!

  18. Oh my, it sounds so nostalgic to have a lunch while taking a ride on the railroad... It's been such a long time not to take a train ride. In today's digital age it should be so 'different', no?!

    Happy CV'ing & Best wishes from chilly Istanbul-

  19. I have never heard of having fries (chips as you call them) with your eggs and ham!
    what a fun little trip you got to go on.

    thanks for stopping by my blog~

  20. I like sunnyside eggs too, but never had them with fries. Yum!

  21. Ya me comía ese plato ahora mismo! que buena pinta tiene todo!


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