
Corner view: Contrast

These are some old photos I took with a reflex camera during a photo course. They are made in Elciego, in Marqués de Riscal. I like these photos for the contrast they have. Black and white. An old vinery with a modern view.
Hauek argazki zahar batzuk dira, reflex kamerakin atereak, argazki kurso bateko parte bezala. Elciegon eginak dira, Marqués de Riscalen. Argazkiak maite ditut, duten kontrasteagatik. Zuri beltz berezia. Eta bodega zahar eta modernoaren arteko kontrastea.
Estas son unas fotos viejas, tomadas con la cámara reflex, como prácticas de un curso que hice hace tiempo. Son de Elciego, en Marqués de Riscal. Me gusta el contraste de estas fotos. Blanco y negro. Una vieja bodega y la parte moderna.

The old winery, with bottles since 1862. It is dark, humid and dusty.
Bodega zaharra, 1862 aurrerako botilakin. Iluna, humela eta ahutsez betea.
La bodega vieja, con botellas desde 1862. Oscura, húmeda y polvorienta.

The new one. An hotel design by Frank Gehry, with a spa with wine treatments.
Berria. Frank Gehryk diseinatutako hotel bat, ardo tratamenduak dituen spa batekin.
La nueva. Un hotel diseñado por Frank Gehry, con un spa que utiliza el vino como parte de los tratamientos.

21 comentarios:

  1. I like the firt pictures - Transparency, light and fragility ! Don't worry for "the cocotte" - I accept your support and your encouragement with as much of pleasure !

  2. great black and white shots, the last one seems to be an amazing place ... (and the white stones on our post are white beans)

  3. nice cv!
    A spa with wine treatments, I HAVE to go there ;-)

  4. a mí me gusta el pipiriripipi con la bota empiná papararapapa...
    a wine-treatment spa designed by gehry? okay, how can that get any better?

    love the "old" effect on the pics.

  5. I would like to visit that spa / wine hotel too!

  6. The wine/spa/hotel sounds incredible, and that building is wild!

  7. Well, did you stay at that hotel:)? Personally, I think I can do without the hotel, but I so hope to go to Bilbao and see the museum!

  8. Francesca, a friend of mine worked there as a guide, so we visited, only visited. It is quite expensive. But when you decide to come to Bilbao, tell me and I will bring you to see it outside. It is quite 1.30h far from Bilbao.

  9. Very nice Ibb- I like the spa very cool! xo

  10. ze argazki polittak!!!me encantan!! a ze artea!!!

    ba nere eguna azaroaren 16an da, gero eta gutxiago falta da!!!AAHHH!!!!ea denbora ematen didan buruan ditudan gauza guztiak garaiz egiten!!!!

    muxu haundi bat wapixima!

    Ta zu zer moduz???aspaldi galdetu gabe!!!

  11. A spa and wine - now that's a treat.
    Great pictures.

  12. i love frank gehry's work! so inspiring :) glass is such a great material.

  13. Great contrasts! I love your photos!!
    I've visited the museum in Bilbao (few years ago...) and recognize pretty well Gehry's style on this hotel!

  14. Wine from the old and the new - love it :) and love your b/w photographs too!

  15. 1862 ??? wow !! so cool. Nice pix!!!! :))

  16. i like the wine glasses!

  17. Luxurious black and white.
    Vintage and sleek.
    Lucky you to have been there, and lucky us to see what you share!

  18. ok, let's go to that amazing hotel!

  19. Awesome photos! Love the contrast between them!

    Happy Day!

  20. love that second one, and yes, let's go for a treatment. must be delish.


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