

Berta is an artist that mades this beautiful plush ladies. All of them are different and made with all kind of details. She chooses which pattern or textil would suit better with each girl. And each girl has a little story behind.
Bertak plush ladiak egiten ditu. Bakoitza ezberdina da eta detaile guztiarekin eginak daude. Bakoitzandako patroi eta tela berezia aukeratzen du. Eta bakoitzaren atzean istorio bat dabil dantzan.
Berta es una artista que confecciona plush ladies. Cada una de ellas es differente y están hechas con todo detalle. Elige los estampados y las telas para cada una. Y cada una esconde una pequeña historia detrás.

She also is a great photographer and the photos that can be found in her gallery are really beautiful. You can find the plush ladies as if they were models. Also you can find little films with them.
Foto izugarriak ateratzen ditu ere eta bere galerian aurkitutakoak izugarriak dira. Plush ladiak modelo gisa topa ditzakezue. Eta filme txikirenbat ere aurkitzeko aukera dago.
Además es una gran fotógrafa cuyas fotos podemos descubrir en su galería. Puedes encontrar plush ladies posando como modelos en muchos sitios. E incluso alguna pequeña película.

Lately she is also working in softies and in bags. She mixes patters and kind of textiles with really cute results.
Azkenaldian panpin eta sorroetan dabil lanean. Patroiak eta telak nahasten ditu izugarrizko ondorio onekin.
Últimamente también trabaja con muñecos y bolsas. Mezcla patrones y tipos de telas con resultados espectaculares.

You can find her here.
Hemen topa dezakezue.
La podeis encontrar aquí.

10 comentarios:

  1. nice works. i like that idea about plush ladies who each have their own personal stories..

  2. Pretty. Thanks for sharing Ibb. Hope you have a golden weekend! xo

  3. Mila esker Ibabe...
    Eskerrikasko zure kutxatxoan toki bat egiteagatik, eta oso ederra gainera...

  4. Those ladies would make nice "actors"! The shop is being updated at the moment, but I'm curious to see some crafting from your part of the world (she's a local artist, I presume). Happy weekend Ibabe!

  5. thanks for the link. i love her things. buen finde!

  6. Thank you for the introduction! The ladies definitely have their own character.

  7. Beautiful work. Love all the little details!

  8. So fun and creative. I love mixed and matched patterns, like in Japan the kimonos and obis (sash around the kimono); and sometimes unexpected patterns. Lately I became interested in the pattern you show on the bag, in Japanese kara-kusa pattern. Thanks for sharing the inspiration.

  9. ps just took a look at the link, gorgeous sensibility and phots- the doll looking out at the beach is precious.


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Mila esker etortzeagatik
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