
September colours

Autumn colours and tastes. Just picked up.
Udazken kolore eta saporeak. Hartu berriak.
Colores y sabores a otoño. Recién recogidas.

Ortxi. He is my brother´s dog. He spends some time in my parent´s so I have the opportunity to
play with him and take some photos. He doesn´t like to be disturb.
Ortxi. Anaiaren txakurra da. Denbora pasatzen du gurasoen etxean, beraz berarekin jolasteko aukera diat eta argazki batzuk ateratzeko beta. Ez zaio batere gustatzen.
Ortxi. Es el perro de mi hermano. Pasa algo de tiempo en casa de mis padres por lo que tengo la oportunidad de jugar con él e intentar atraparlo en alguna foto. No le gusta nada que lo molesten.

I am making a long list of must do for next months. Will show soon.
Izugarrizko lista egiten ari naiz, egin beharrez betea. Laister erakutziko dizuet.
Estoy preparando una larga lista de cosas que debo hacer en los próximos meses. Enseguida os la mostraré.

13 comentarios:

  1. Ortxi...what a great name. And what a sweet dog!
    Have a great day, dear. And don´t make that list too long. ;)
    ♥ Jeannette

  2. Don't make that list too long, its never good! What are those fruits on the top left corner?

  3. Hello Ortxi, I don't like to be disturbed either:)! Those are indeed the colors (our kiwis will not be ripe until December!)

  4. They are, apples, kiwis, pears and hazelnuts.

  5. Wonderful photos and an adorable pup!! xoxo

  6. Wow, that first photo is fantastic. Very well done!!

  7. que ganas de conocer esa lista!
    ps. ese perro lanudo es hermoso!

  8. that dog is so cute! :)

    I guess my exams went pretty well, thanks for asking. :) I don't yet know how well they went but I hope to find out that soon.. Until I will, I am probably going to be so nervous. haha.

  9. Adorable Ortxi... makes me think I have a doggy name ;)

  10. What a pretty dog!! I am thinking of getting a dog next year...
    September is my favorite season. I love the pears and chesnutts! Your photos are beautiful! Happy September! ox

  11. Me encantan las avellanas y no puedo parar de comerlas...

  12. these are wonderful- they go together perfectly. besos! p.s. is that a face or what?


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