
Finland. Moving

Travelling in ferries. Yellow ferries in the Archipelago.
Ferrian bidaiatzen. Ferri oriak Archipielagoan.
Viajando en ferry. Amarillos. En el Archipielago.

Riding, jumping and flying from island to island.
Bizikletan, saltoka eta hegaka, irlatik irlara.
En bici, saltando y bolando de isla en isla.

In train. Although this rail has no way...it was quite strange to find a no way rail in the middle of the city.
Trenean. Naiz eta argazkiko trenbideak ez zuen inora eramaten. Arraroa zen norabide gabeko trenbidea hiri erdian topatzea.
En tren. Aunque la vía de la foto no tenía ningún destino. Era raro encontrar una vía sin destino en la mitad de la ciudad.

In train and in bus. From the center of the city of Helsinki to the rest of the country. Trenean eta autobusean. Helsinkiko zentrotik herrialde osoraino. En tren y en autobus. Desde el centro de Helsinki hasta el resto del país.

8 comentarios:

  1. Très surprenant !!!! Good shots ;)

  2. hope you enjoyed your visit here!
    all your photos are great!
    it´s always interesting to see how others see your own country, don´t you think?

  3. You rented a bike? what a great way to tour!

  4. I really like the photo of the bike and the bay of water. I kept going back to it. Have a golden weekend! xoxo

  5. Hello Ibb! You, you are moving us on this journey :)
    I particularly enjoy the way you write. You stop the phrases leaving some feeling of insinuation behind. This makes them rich.

  6. The sky on the first photo is so beautiful!! You could almost touch the cloud...

  7. ke aventurera!!!!y que fotos tan bonitas!!!!
    hemendik nabil berriz be!!!

  8. finland is gorgeous!! i want to go!


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