Egurrarekin jolasean. Alvaar Alto museoan.
Jugando con la madera. Museo Alvaar Alto.
Turku. Egurrezko herrizkan dagoen eskulan museoa.
Turku. Museo de artesanía en un pueblo de madera.
Rauma. Alde zaharra. Egurrezko hiria.
Rauma. La parte vieja. La ciudad de madera.
Archipelago. Egurrezko elizaren detailea. Gogoko dut gorri kolorea etxe gehienetan.
Archipelago. Detaille de una iglesia de madera. Me encanta el color rojo en las casas.
Your pictures makes me homesick. So much from Finland reminds me of Sweden. You were tagged over at inleaf today...
ResponderEliminari love wood and your shots are beautiful!!
I live in an area where all buildings are made of stone, and wood is mainly for heating, or for making handles for tools - what a contrast with your photos from Finland! How did you get around while there?