
Year change photos


Gorbeia Natural Park

Near Marieta


Thanks so much for your words. For being there.

6 comentarios:

  1. Querida Ibabe, por fin encuentro energia para ponerme a leer los blogs que tanto me gustan y que he tenido abandonados muchas semanas. Me encanta tu fotografia, tan llena de vida. Mucho animo con tu abuela y mis mejores deseos para este anio. Un beso.
    P.S. Me llego tu tarjeta de navidad, gracias :):):)

  2. Happy 2013 Ibabe!
    I got another lovely letter in the mail yesterday, thank you for your wishes! I still haven't had a chance to pick up pen and paper, December has been a crazy month, but I hope to be able to write very soon.
    Warmest wishes, and thank you for being here!

  3. The first photo is incredible, so beautiful...

  4. Beautiful collection! The first one seems to be a symbol of perspective, it's leading somewhere (to the sea in this case, which at least for me is a place to calm down and recollect oneself). The other pictures are warm and full of love for life and nature. You chose them for reason. This makes me smile. :)
    Happy New Year, dear Ibabe!

    1. that is...some days around looking for new-old views to start again the year with new strenght.
      Happy to make you smile!


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Mila esker etortzeagatik
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