
Corner view: morning, noon, night

We have had RAIN in the morning, in the noon and at night, in the last weeks...tired of wet moments, photo camera is lazy. No good photos inside...no photo mood.
Euria egunero, goizez, egunez eta gauez.
Hemos tenido lluvia todo el día en las últimas semanas. Cansada de sentirme mojada, la cámara está perezosa. No encuentro fotos...

Paint is from Blanca Gomez

8 comentarios:

  1. Sometimes rain is beautiful!! but I hope you'll have a sunny day.

  2. oh ohhhhhhh! someone's got a pouty lower lip I fear! :) no excuses missy, get out there and make some photos!!!

  3. It was exactly the same thing here during november and december. The weather has changed a week ago, it stopped raining and cold arrived. There is even sun today: a miracle! Hopeful ;)

  4. The card is so cute. And the lady on it, looks very happy with the rain. Today here is a lot of snow. :)

  5. Beautiful illustration! Colourful raindrops are lovely!

  6. Fun way to post a rainy day!
    I know no-camera days, had a month without the camera working and it is back now but still I am off-camera:))

    Hope for sun to shine for you today!

  7. i know how you feel ... rain is good for the plans, but not for the mood! :)

  8. we had rain too, before the snow came, lot´s of snow. Longing for nicer weather too


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Mila esker etortzeagatik
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