
A little rain break


We had a sun break at Saturday afternoon, so we didn´t doubt, took the car and drived to the reservoir that is near home to see how water flew. It was the first time I was five floodgates opened. The noise was incredible and when you were near it was like raining. At the other side, land was flooded. An hour later it was raining again.
Larunbatean euriak momentu bat eman zion eguzkiari atera zedin. Eta arin hartu genuen kamera eta pantanoruntz hurbildu ginen. Post ate zeuden irekiak, inoiz ikusi ez nuena eta inguruan euria zegoela zirudien ezer entzuten ez zen bitartean. Ordu bat beranduago euria genuen berriro.
El sábado la lluvia nos dio tregua alrededor del mediodía. No lo dudamos, cogimos la cámara y nos acercamos al pantano que hay cerca de casa. Estaba desaguando con cinco de las compuertas abiertas. Era un espectáculo impresionante, sentir el agua y el ruido. Al otro lado, la tierra se inundaba. Una hora más tarde volvía a llover.

8 comentarios:

  1. It seems that you made the right decision to go out the minute you saw the sun! I had a walk with my mum on Saturday but the rest of the weekend was wet and today has been horrible with blowing winds and rain rain rain!

    Just decided to stay inside tonight and watch TV!

  2. A kind of rain + sun = beautiful as a rainbow ;)

  3. that's a lot of rain! here it's raining and snowing at the same time right now - so, so wet!

  4. wow ... what an experience. the photos are gorgeous.

  5. Cuando llueve tanto hay que abrir las compuertas y respirar... ¡Geniales las fotos!

  6. aquí no paraba de helar y nevar. hoy ha llovido mucho por la mañana y ya anunciaban que se "descongelaría" todo. ahora cielo azul y algo de solete. y yo... enferma, ji ji. típico.

  7. Ibb - that first photo is really amazing! The reflection from the sky, the lines of the grass...so lovely.

  8. impressing pictures! warm greetings from Paris!


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