
Viking power

Last week I received an unexpected parcel. They were waiting for me when I arrived home after a tiring working day. They have brought me the streght I need. Viking power. So thanked, Sandra.
Pasatako astean ezuzteko bat jaso nuen etxera heltzean. Alemaniatik heldutako indar apur bat. Indar bikindarra.
La semana pasada recibí un paquete inesperado lleno de Viking power. Muchas gracias, Sandra.

Phrases of optimism full my home.
Positibitatez beteriko hitzez daukat etxea.
La casa está llena de frases positivas.

7 comentarios:

  1. Cute Vikings!!! Though I am sure vikings aren't meant to be cute - heehee!!

    Keep thinking the positive thoughts and I hope 2013 turns out great!

  2. These are so lovely. Lucky you!
    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog.

  3. I feel the power spread from your post!
    THanks for sharing your gifts of optimism back to us!
    Love and YES!!! Yes, yes!!♡

  4. all the best, my dear friend!
    also from finland ;)


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