The first time I visited the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao I had a little "problem" with contemporary art. It was in a big space full of iron art pieces. There were big ones, super big ones, one could walk inside, and little ones lying on the floor. The museum is big and I was tired. So I sat down on what I thought it was a bench. Inmediatelly a uniformed girl came running: "It is not a bench it is art!".
I was so ashamed. But there was no line to identify that it was art, no words saying "TO LOOK AT, NOT TOUCH".
Bilboko Guggenheim museoa bisitatu nuen lehen aldian arte modernoarekin arazo txiki bat izan nuen. Burdinezko artelanez beteriko sala baten izan zen. Haundiak zeuden, izugarriak eta txikiak nonnahi. Museoa haundia da eta ni neka neka eginda nengoen. Beraz bakua zirudien zerbaiten eseri nintzen. Bat batean, neska etorri zitzaidan korrika " Ez da bankua, artelana baizik".
Kriston lotza pasa nuen. Baina ez zegon artemoduan identifikatzen zuen linea beltzik edo "Ez ikutu" jartzen zuen kartelik.
La primera vez que visité el Museo Guggenheim de Bilbao, tuve un pequeño problema con el arte contemporaneo. Era una exposición de piezas de hierro. Las había grandes, gigantes y pequeñas colocadas por toda la sala. Estaba cansada así que me senté un poco en lo que creía un banco. Inmediatamente se me acercó una señorita diciéndome " Eso no es un banco, es una obra de arte".
Qué vergüenza. Pero no había ninguna línea divisoria ni ningún cartel que pusiera "Para mirar, no tocar".
Don't be ashamed... If you didn't see art, that was because there were no art there... It is not the plea against contemporary art, just there is a part of swindle in certain initiatives.
ResponderEliminarYour photo is beautiful.
What a gorgeous picture and I like your story. Something like that could happen to most of us I think :-)
ResponderEliminarPreciosa foto, Ibabe! Bonito nombre, también ;-)
ResponderEliminarYo una vez pisé una línea dorada en el suelo, y la señorita me increpó, resulta que era parte de la exposición. Cierto arte contemporáneo me hace pensar siempre en el cuento del traje del emperador, cuando los aduladores le decían que llevaba un traje muy bonito y en realidad iba desnudo...
Te juro que me entró un ataque de risa...luego he vuelto y ya queriendo cuando no quedaba claro el límite entre arte y mobiliario, retaba a las señoritas de uniforme...para reirse y no parar...
EliminarNiri ordea lurrean zegoena hartzeko eskatu zidaten, goxokiak ziren eskulturaren parte. Baina inork ez badu azaltzen, nola asmatu? Asko gustatu zait zure blog-a, ikaragarri argazki politak dituzu. Eta 3 hizkuntzetan idaztarena, ikaragarria iruditzen zait. Ea noizpait ni ere haste naizen :)
ResponderEliminarMila esker ;)
EliminarYour story is fun :) I'm sure you're not the only one to be sitting on!...It was comfortable? :-D
ResponderEliminarWhen I visited the Guggenheim I was much more impressed with the building and El Poopi outside that I was with the contemporary art inside.....which was The Art of the Motorcycle when I visited.
EliminarWe are preparing to building a world class building here in Dundee to house V&A at Dundee (hosting exhibitions from the Victoria & Albert Museum on London) and we hope it will be as amazing as Mr Gerhy's Guggenheim. We also of course have our very own Gehry building here in Dundee, his only building in the UK.
The main reason to visit the museum was of course the building. It was built while I was studying so I saw how it grown. It was a great moment.
EliminarI have visited the links and the project is incredible...will be ok to go to is time since I don´t go to scotland...Add to wish list.
Wise Otli wrote the perfect comment.
ResponderEliminarAll I can add is that the Guggenheim in Bilbao is on my list for this summer, I'll make sure to bring a fold out chair! :)
I hope it to be true and I would be able to show it and say were to sit and were not to sit
priceless, ibb!
ResponderEliminarand good on you to go sit down on art. i'm sure it also conceived for convenience!
ohhh this is on my list