Winter is here, but temperatures are warm and there is no snow no cold. It is difficult to join the christmas spirit when you have 18ºC at midday. It is time of work lunches (I have today my third one), friend dinners (tomorrow), family meetings (next week). But it is strange for me this year. I am not good at work, friends are more far away than ever, and my grandmother is going down.
Negua hemen beharko zuen baina horrelako beroakin ezin gabon espirituari lekurik egin. Laneko bazkari, lagun afari eta familiarteko batzarrez beteak daude egun hauek. Baina urte arraroa da. Lanean ez nago gustora, lagunak inoiz baino urrunago sentitzen ditut eta amama baxu diagu.
El invierno debería estar aquí, pero estas temperaturas no invitan demasiado al espíritu navideño. Es tiempo de comidas de empresa, de cenas de amigas y de reuniones familiares. Pero es un año extraño. No estoy agusto en el trabajo, las amigas las siento más distantes que nunca y mi abuela está cayendo rápidamente.

But I would like to find a little window of light for the next year. I know lot of things would not change but I want to believe that others will. I want to believe in future.
Argi lehio bat topatu nahi nuke datorren urterako. Gauza asko aldatuko ez direla badakit, baina beste asko aldatzetuko direla sinistu nahi dut. Datorrena datorrela sinistu nahi dut.
Me gustaría encontrar una ventana de luz para el año que viene. Sé que muchas cosas no cambiarán pero me gustaría creer que otra lo harán. Me gustaría creer en el futuro.
I have some days off. I would love to come and sit with you to talk, but I am not sure if I would be able. Just wish you a great christmas and a better new year.
Egun batzuk libre ditut. Zuekin hitzegitera etorritzeko intentzioa dita, baina ez nago zihur lortuko dudanik. Beraz bada ez bada, zorionak eta urte berrio on.
Tengo unos días libres. Me gustaría venir a hablar con vosotros, pero no estoy segura de que lo logre. Por si acaso, feliz navidad y un genial año nuevo.
Fotos are made by a friend.
Your photos are really beautiful!Have a nice time... And thanks for the lovely card I received!
ResponderEliminarIt is great that it arrived! And photos are not mine...but could be ;)
EliminarTo 2013! Let's hope that you glimmer of light appears soon. Take time with friends and family in the next week!
ResponderEliminaryes, believe in future my friend!
ResponderEliminarall the best and Merry Christmas!
with love and snow :)
such beautiful pictures to illustrate your mood. Happy holidays and cheers to a better next year :)
ResponderEliminarSorry I'm late (again), but we have no internet (again). Very sorry to hear about your grandmother, Ibb.
ResponderEliminarI know what you mean about temperatures and Xmas - I was discussing this with 13yo son yesterday, and he couldn't believe that in the southern hemisphere they still celebrate Xmas in December, though it's mid summer for them. Xmas is the light in winter, and we (europeans at least) are geared to think of it in those terms. Still, no snow ... hooray! :)
my dear ibb,
ResponderEliminarMerry Christmas!!
i wish you all the happiness and love
of the world!
i received your presents
thank you very much, you make me very happy!!
i will get back to you
as soon as i can
there is much to tell
thank you, my friend
with love,
Thank you dear Ibabe for the beautiful card and your precious writing.
ResponderEliminarYes, to connections, the ginko leaves and I felt after reading your words how much I would live to really dance in the street with you,
there in your piazza!!! Let`s!!
Meanwhile wishing you a beautiful season, ooh but I see its so cold, please take care!
This New Years I will write you a journal, I loved starting the year that way to you, and its been too long that I didn`t send a mail to you so I hope you don`t mind to receive more musings and my apology for not writing sooner.
Merry Christmas! Hugs and Love, and best wishes for your Grandma,
Your first picture is beautiful ... Happy new Year with few days advance !!
ResponderEliminarI agree with you, difficult to celebrate Christmas and the new year when it's almost hot outside (here it's 12 or 13 °).
ResponderEliminarI'm sorry about your grandmother, perhaps she will be better in a few days?
I wish you lots of happiness for 2013. See you soon.
I wish all the best for your Grandma! My Grandma had a small stroke last year just before Christmas, and I was so sad and worried. Fortunately she has recovered well.
ResponderEliminarIt would be so strange to spend Christmas at those temperatures! I don't know how it would turn out, but I may have to try one year. :)
I wish you a New Year of your dreams!
I like the first picture
ResponderEliminarI send you warm thoughts... for this new year.
ResponderEliminarHappy new year... I'll send you some words soon... Big French hug.
ResponderEliminarSo sorry to hear about your grandmother Ibb. Big hugs and positive thoughts.
ResponderEliminarHoping 2013 will be your year for good things. Happiness, light, & peace...
dear friend, ibb
ResponderEliminarmay you have a beautiful year with happiness and good health!
you are right; all things in life, nice right and wrongs, hopes and struggles, oh they are together
this is the actual sense of life
i lost my beloved grandfather only recently. Spend as much time as you can with your grandmother now. And try to tell her some happy words.
A new year, Ibb
- who knows what is there to come?
Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best to come!