
Corner view: Synchronicity

 Animal synchronicity. Able to run behind the ball, even before you through it.
Animali sincronizazioa. Pilota bota baino lehenago bilatzeko kapazitatea.
Sincronización animal. Capaz de correr detrás de la pelota, incluso antes de que salga de tu mano.

Human lack of synchronicity. Able to play, or fall, or both, even when one is "too old" for that.
Giza sincronismo falta. Erori, jolastu edo biak egiteko gaitazuna, nahiz eta "zaharregia" izan horretarako.
Falta de sincronización humana. Capaz, de jugar, caer o las dos, aun siendo "mayor" para eso.

Nature synchronicity. Preparing for spring, even when snow was just fallen.
Naturaren sincronizazioa. Udaberrirako prestatzen, nahiz eta elurra jausi berria izan.
Sincronización natural. Preparándose para la primavera, aun cuando la nieve estaba recien caída.

12 comentarios:

  1. Your first two examples made ​​me laugh :)...especially the second one! I imagine the scene when you took the photo!

  2. Ha ha, love this post, especially the first 2, my dog has the same talents! Wow, you've got so much snow! Yesterday was the first sunny day with a littlebit impression of spring here, it made me happy, but our nature isn't as far as yours.
    Happy synchronicity!

  3. Hehe, you made me laugh! Funny examples of synchronicity! Lovely last pic with that beautiful drop of water on the bud. Hope the flower makes it!

  4. You are in sync, Ibabe!
    These are a beautiful and playful series,
    just let go and play and see how you fall so beautifully into meet life! And puppy, so cute!!
    The flower photo is so pure, it feels like it definitely happened in a blissful moment of connection.
    You too go girl!!

  5. Me encanta y me repito. Haces unos post con mucho mucho gusto.

  6. beautiful post and stunning images! now what we need are more blossoms and less snow!

  7. Snow over there!!! Where is spring in the Beautiful South?

  8. These photos are pretty. I love snow!! Spring is the around the corner!

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. beautiful photos! i especially like the last two. just stunning.


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