It started snowing friday afternoon. A bit of windy snow.
Elurra hemen diagu berriro.
La nieve ha vuelto.
6.15 am. and 8.15 am. Snowing.
Weekend project. As weather was horrible I decided to give a new look to a basket from Ikea, stitching some triangels (which are so cool lately ) in order to try to order scarfs, gloves and so on.
Astebuakeran ikeako saski bati beste itxura ematearren triangeluak josi nizkion, bufandak eta lagatzeko.
Aprovechando el mal tiempo, le intenté dar un giro a los típicos cestos de ikea, añadiéndole unos triángulos a punto de cruz. Para colocar los gorros y guantes.
I don't really like snow... so it's a nice idea to forget it's white outside ;)
ResponderEliminarHave a nice day.
Urrutitik izugarrizko suertea duzula iruditzen zait horrenbeste elur artean ibiltzeko aukera izateagatik. Baina suposatzen dut egunerokotasunean ez dela horren eorsoa.
ResponderEliminarEstoy viendo la nieve con envidia aunque se que tiene sus inconveniencias, se echa de menos...¡Muy bonito el detalle de la cesta!
ResponderEliminarhuhuuu :) we`ve got snow we`ve never had the hole winter... amazing... enjoy the white days. i like it.
p.s. i like your new project.
I love all crochet projects that involve stitching motives together! Looking forward to your triangle scarf!
ResponderEliminarI love the geometry and the circles too,
ResponderEliminarbut would be hard to ride a bike in that snow?!!
Happy stitching!