This photos were taken early in the morning. The only thought I got while I walked on snow was to arrive home in the afternoon, take the dog out to play. Love outdoor games, and more when snow all over. I was one of those girls difficult to keep at home.
Argazkiak astearte goizean atereak dira. Elurretan ibiltzen nihoan bitartean, arratsaldeko plana nuen buruan. Txakurra atera eta elurretan berarekin jolastea. Betidanik gustatu izan zait kalean jolastea, eta elurra dagoenean gehiago.
Las fotos son de la mañana del martes. Mientras iba al trabajo iba pensando en cómo ibamos a salir a jugar en la nieve con el perro. De siempre me ha gustado jugar en la calle, y más cuando hay nieve.
Oh, those are really beautiful photos! Snow - in Spain!
ResponderEliminarYes, in the north is quite normal...don´t last too much, but can snow!
EliminarLokks just like in Helsinki. Lot´s of snow .
ResponderEliminarBut today just has gone all...sniff
EliminarAmazing snow pictures, so freshly fallen and I can hear the crunch and crackle to walk in it!
ResponderEliminarFun play!
I can see why you couldn't see the moon!
BTW, I still haven`t read 1Q84, were there 3 moons? Tell me!!
No three moons...but cannot say more...
EliminarYour photos are beautiful! I send you a snowball ;)))
ResponderEliminarWoow, a lof of snow! I love snow! We had a snow storm last weekend but it's gone already!
ResponderEliminarNice snow photos and I know exactly how you felt about it, I was as a girl like you we would probably plaid together. My mother used to say that I have ants in the pants, maybe therefore the "bee".
ResponderEliminarSorry that's its gone again
Beautiful pictures!
ResponderEliminarHola Ibb, siglos sin visitarte, estoy super vaga con el blog... a mi la nieve me gusta en la montaña, bien lejos... muchos besos
ResponderEliminarSe te echa de menos la verdad. Esas fotos de tus paseos, la huerta y esos videos y musica.....
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Eliminarhope you had fun! our snow has melted, but more is expected in a weeks time (can they really know this far in advance?!) Happy weekend, hope it brings more games :)
ResponderEliminarEnjoy your white and snowy walk !
ResponderEliminargreat photos!
ResponderEliminari know exactly what you mean :)
hugs dear!
Me hubiera gustado pisar un poco de nieve pero no me ha tocado por allí...¡geniales las fotos!