
Corner view: Potatoes with....

Potatoes are quite common in our everyday diet. I live in a zone with very good ones. Last night we had salom with potatoes.
Patatak normalean mahaian aurki ditzaket. Bizi naizen inguruan gainera kalitatekoak ditugu. Pasatako gauean salmoia eta patatak.
Las patatas son parte de los menus de todos los días. Y además en la zona donde vivo, las hay de muy buena calidad. La cena de la noche pasada, salmón con patatas.

10 comentarios:

  1. Looks very delicious I like to come over for diner.
    Don't miss my giveaway!
    Thank you for your always nice comments.

  2. here you are! i was wondering where your potato recipe was! :)

  3. Oh my! That dinner looks absolutly delicious!

  4. Delicous!!
    I may try it tomorrow!
    My post has a story for you! Took a potato around to see what it wanted to go with...passed the ginko tree waiting for spring...thought of you!

  5. it´s early in the morning and it´s time for breakfast. But I could eat that right now :)

  6. yammy... i am hungry now ;) i hope you`re fine. i am not very often on internet at the moment... corner view. i miss it a little bit.

    wish you a lovely day!!!


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