
Corner view: Starting with L....LIGHT

Looking at the windows, finding other views.
Lehioetara begira, beste ikuspuntu bat aurkituz.
Mirando a ventanas y encontrando otras vistas.

Clouds in art school
Hodeiak arte eskolan.
Nubes en la escuela de artes.

Sun is hiding and old part is bathed in gold.
Eguzkia izkutatzen denean alde zaharra urrez janzten da.
Cuando cae el atardecer, el casco viejo se viste de oro.

Old lamps are going to be switch on.
Farola zaharrak piztear daude.
Las viejas farolas se encenderán en breve.

It is light time.
Argiaren momentua da.
Es el tiempo de la luz.

14 comentarios:

  1. Beautiful! We have the same L!!! I'm happy to see that!!

  2. A most excellent L. There is not enough light this time of year.

  3. These are wonderful pictures. I especially love the 4th. I wait eagerly for more light and sunshine and beautiful sunset. Soon ...

  4. Azkenenan iritsi da eguzkia, ezta? Eskertzen da. Izugarri politak leihoen argazkiak. Koloreak ikaragarriak.

  5. beautiful photos - you should be out more to capture light :)

  6. The light is beautiful, you have had perfect timing!

  7. Very good idea and beautiful pictures :)

  8. this are fantastic!! i love the first one.
    sending you lots of love!
    p.s. i actually wore sunglasses today... :):):)

  9. Incredible photos and such a creative way of featuring the letter l! Very inspirational.:>)

  10. I love it! I don't think I have ever thought of ever doing this!

  11. Luminous, surely your heart is full of the light that you find all around you!
    Wonderful photos, I feel they are a gift to all of us:))

  12. These are great photos ! The reflections are very clear

  13. Ibb - you have captured magic. These photos are beautiful and I especially enjoy the Art school window.


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