
Postal Freek

Imagine a theater of the 50th in an area of the city that will desapear due to a road. Imagine a postcard of your city. Not a typical postcard, just the way you have of the city. That was basicaly the competition I won with other 10 people. It was not an official competition, something alternative.
50. hamarkadako teatro bat, hiritik desagertzera dihoan auzo batean imajinatu. Zure hiriko postale bat imajinatu. Postale berezia, ez normala, zure ikuspuntua ematen duen horietakoa. Hori zan txapelketaren leloa. Beste hamar pertsonekin batera irabazitako txapelketa.
Imaginaros un teatro de los años cincuenta, en un barrio que está a punto de desaparecer por el paso de una carretera. Imaginaros una postal de vuestra ciudad. No una postal típica, sino vuestra visión de la ciudad. Básicamente esa era la idea del concurso de fotografía que gané.

Ten winners. Ten postcards, that could be found in postal-free places in the bars of the city.
Hamar irabazle. Hamar postale, postal-free lekuetan topa daitezkeenak, hiriko taberna ezberdinetan.
Diez ganadores. Diez postales, que se pueden encontrar en los sitios de distribución de postal-free de los diferentes locales de la ciudad.

This is my photo.
Hau da nire argazkia.
Esta es mi foto.

As I have a pack of ten to give....anyone would be interested? Some little giveaway?
Hamar postaleko pack bat dudanez....norbaitek nahi al du? Giveaway bat?
Como tengo un pack de diez postales para regalar...alguien interesado? Un giveaway?

Leave a comment and take part.

16 comentarios:

  1. felicidades!! me encanta la idea del concurso y tu foto es fantástica!
    y claro que estoy interesada!!

  2. Congratulation on being chosen!
    I'd love to have a pack of ten:)

  3. that's great news,Ibb! and a nice, a bit sad, picture that is
    how is your weekend? full of pictures i hope

  4. Aleeeee qué bonita!!!
    Yo desde luego q estoy interesadísima :)

  5. Congratulations! You should have kept this post and your winner photo for the "famous" cv theme this week:) I think this must mark a good start to a new week for you.

  6. ¡hala, campeona!
    envíalas a todo el mundo...

  7. Zorionak Ibb! tu foto es chulísima, como de otra época!

  8. Congratulations! I like how the pup's face is the only thing showing out the window and he/she is looking right into the camera. xo

  9. Congratulations! I love the morbid charm in your picture and the dog reminds me of the old lady vis-a-vis to my studio. She follows life outside by leaning out of the window too. Nice capture!

  10. congratulations! well done! Love the group photo too :)

  11. Congratulations!!
    How did I miss your post?! Sorry I'm late, I love the whole idea of the postcards, would be something fun for a CV theme too:))


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
Gracias por pasar