
Corner view: holiday photos

Sometimes the best holidays are those you just don´t do anything. Those in which you just break out with your routine. Breakfast at daylight, with calm, just made coffee and a magazine.
Batzutan oporrik onenak ezer egiten ez dezunak dira. Non errutinarekin apurtu eta bestelako gauzak egiten dituzun. Lasai gozaldu, egun argina, egin berri den kafea eta aldizkari bat.
A veces las mejores vacaciones son aquellas en las que no hacemos nada. Aquellas que utilizamos simplemente para romper con la rutina. Desayunar con luz natural, café recién hecho, con calma y una revista.

Those days in which walking in the park is a delight and you can take your time to look at trees and leaves, and just look how they change their colours.
Egun horiek non parketik zoiazenean lasaitasunez har dezakezun paseua eta koloreen jokoan sar zaitezkeen, zuhaitzekin, ostoekin.
Son días en los que caminar por el parque es un placer y lo puedes hacer tomándote tu tiempo para disfrutar del cambio de colores, de los árboles, de las hojas.

You can sit on sofa and just lost time.
Sofan eseri zaitezke denbora galtzera.
Puedes sentarte en el sofá a perder tiempo.

A bit of art from a friend.
Arte apur bat, lagun baten arte erakusketan.
Un poco de arte de la exposición de un amigo.

And finish with a concert. The bröntes.
Eta kontzertu baten amaitu.
Y terminar en un concierto.

This year is a chrisis year, and things are getting worst here. So although I took some days off in september, my holidays are being a bit home holidays. Just for beautiful places, take a look in other windows.

19 comentarios:

  1. you have evoked quite a holiday spirit there!

  2. Rest and relax at home is better than no holidays, but I hope you'll be able to take more trips around there soon.

  3. las vacaciones sin mucho ajetreo me gustan!
    es una buena forma de tener la mente en acción!
    un beso!

  4. Yes, just be relax... take the time !!

  5. Yes it can be very relaxing with a home holiday :)

  6. relax and enjoy! my kind of holiday-

    you asked about the film where my grandson is acting- yes i think that it´s the one- Rare Exports.


  7. Wishing you very happy holidays this year at home. You are right. Stepping out of your routine is a little holiday in itself. Enjoy.

  8. I like your perspective. Enjoy your time at home :-)

  9. like the way you brought your holiday spirit home. i hope that things do start looking up for you though. xoxo

  10. oh I like holidays like that too! traveling and seeing new places is exciting, but sometimes the loveliest thing to do is to do nothing. hardly ever being alone and living in the center of the city, here I am missing those moments at home, alone, feeling totally comfortable and walks outside in nature.. enjoy your time at home!:)

  11. i like the little holidays in the course of usual life too. it's a very good way of living life. especially as you say, when life is a little harder. sometimes these mini holidays are the ones you especially remember.

    best good wishes that things improve soon!

  12. I like your perspective on taking holidays in a simple way. Hope things improve for you very soon. Best, Theresa

  13. Nice scenes! A kind of holiday in mind ;)

  14. Your sofa is very cosy, I could join you for a little chat with a fresh coffee?;) beijinhos!

  15. These are such cozy moments,
    I feel your smile coming through...?!

  16. I like stay at home vacations too! They happen to be the most relaxing ones. xo

  17. Sounds absolutely perfect, and exactly what I've been doing today so far, as I'm home alone! :)

    By the way, thank you so much for your card! Sorry it's taken me a while to reply, but I will mail an aswer this weekend! Have a happy time!

  18. relax is what I'm in serious need of.
    where's the pics from the dam, though? (I was really expecting some of those...) ;)


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