

Last weekend was warm and sunny. Today is a grey and rainy day.
Pasatako astebukaera eguzkitzua eta epela izan zen. Gaur egun grisa eta euritzua dugu.
El fin de semana pasado fue caluroso y soleado. Hoy llueve y está gris.

So I could walk in the beach. Discovering stories in the sand.
Beraz ondartsan egon nintzen. Areian istoriak bilatzen.
Así que anduvimos en la playa. Descubriendo historias en la arena.

Looking at the sky. Trying to catch clouds. Trying to fill the soul of light.
Zerura begira. Hodeiak arrapatzen zaiatzen. Argiz barnea betetzen zaiatzen.
Mirando al cielo. Intentando cazar nubes. Tratando de llenar el alma de luz.
To have a candle in the night. To have a light to follow in grey and rainy days.
Kandela gabean izateko. Jarraitu daitekeen argi bat edukitzeko, egun gris eta euritzuetan.
Para tener una vela en la noche. Una luz que nos guíe en los días grises y lluvioso.
Have a nice weekend.

8 comentarios:

  1. amazing post- thank you, Ibb. Have a lightful weekend, all the best

  2. Ooh, you can just walk out to this beach?!
    Wonderful images and mood...dreamy.
    ANd I like how your feet in the top pic seem to walk right into the dunes of your header.
    Happy weekend to you!

  3. Pretty pictures and beautiful sky ! Have a nice week-end too !

  4. i love nature photos, but cloud photos just leave me in awe and feeling so small! beautiful!

  5. Beutiful, poetic words and post. So much beauty and mystery in life. Happy Sunday.

  6. ... beautiful sky !!! Are you a runner ?


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