
Colour and new city

Walking in the city. Sunday morning.
Hiritik pasioan. Igande goizean.
Caminando por la ciudad. Domingo a la mañana.

Looking for peace. A bit of colour.
Pakearen bila. Kolore apur bat.
Buscando algo de paz. Un poco de color.

Looking for hanging inspiration. Looking up.
Zintzilikatutako inspirazio bila. Goruntz begira.
Buscando inspiración colgante. Mirando para arriba.

In a Sunday of shadows and lights. In one of the new neighbourhoods of the city.
Argi eta itzalezko igandean. Hiriko auzo berrietako batean.
En un domingo de sombras y luces. En uno de los barrios nuevos de la ciudad.

5 comentarios:

  1. I love the balconies on the third pic.
    cool perspective one gets when looking up, don't you find? so much up there...

  2. Such city-city shots! If I look up in my village I see one or two story houses only, but if I take just a few steps up the hill, then I get to see the rooftops.

  3. my fav moment for a city walk Sunday morning

  4. amazing photos and colors. makes you wonder what is happening inside those tall buildings.


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
Gracias por pasar