
Corner view:Typical Souvenir of your city

This week I have been working till late, so all my photos were taken, late night. From shop´s windows. It was a hot night, so I take a time to walk around finding what to show and that could represent my city.
Aste honetan berandurarte ibili naiz lanean, beraz argazki guztiak gabez daude atereak. Dendako eskaparatetik. Gau beroa zen atzokoa, beraz denboratxo bat hartu nuen zer topatu eta zer erakusteko.
Esta semana he estado trabajando hasta tarde, por lo que mis fotos están sacadas a la noche. De los escaparates. Hacía calor anoche, así que me di una vuelta buscando qué poner que pudiera representar la ciudad.
First one, the lauburu.
It is not exactly from the city, but is quite common in all the basque country. It is used to decorate, boxes, rings, necklates....
El primero, el lauburu.
No es exactamente representativo de la ciudad, pero es bastante común en el País Vasco. Se usa como motivo decorativo en cajas, anillos, colgantes...

Second one. Spanish cards. Here is one of the most famous and old card fabric. Take a look in your cards at home, where they are from. Fournier, Vitoria.
Bigarrena, kartak. Fournier empresa Gasteizen kokatua egon da urte askotan eta mundu osorako lan egin du.
La segunda. Las cartas. Las barajas de Fournier son famosas en el mundo, y llevan fabricándose en la ciudad desde el siglo 19.

There is something very typical in the city. To eat and to drink. So let´s take a look at this vegetable cans shown in a shop in the old part of the city.
Jatea eta edatea hemengo gauzarik haundientakoa bihur daiteke. Beraz, janari piskat zentroko denda baten erakuslehiotik.
Comer y beber son todo un acto social. Por eso, unas cuantas conservas expuestas con mimo en una tienda de la parte vieja.

And a postcard. One of the most beautiful photos of the city. For me. If you notice, there are people sat on the floor drinking something in the street. It was a good night to be out.
Eta hiriko postalea. Niretzat hau hiriko argazkirik politenetarikoa da. Begiratzen badezue, jendea dago kalean eserita zeozer hartzen. Gau ona zegoen atzo kalean egoteko.
Y una postal de la ciudad. Es una de las mejores fotos de la ciudad. Para mí. Si os fijaís había gente sentada en el suelo tomando algo. Hacía buena noche para estar en la calle.

For more Corners and Souveniers.

30 comentarios:

  1. I will take away a happy memory of this night seeing the sights and things of your city!
    I also learned about something from where I live through your laubaru. When I clicked your link there was a connection to a similar abstract pattern in Japan called a tomoe that is seen on taiko drums. It said this pattern may have its origins from the design on leather worn by ancient archers (tomo). And since you mentioned your medium is leather (crafts, right?!), it brought me back full circle to here. Oh, and do you mind if I take one of those little rings back with me, and a pack of cards...thanks!

  2. This is very interesing. Like jgy I followed your link and learned about laubaru (there are many crochet motifs that are quite similar), and then I was curious and went to check our cards because the name sounded so familiar, and ... we are not very tidy, I'm afraid, I couldn't find the box!

  3. that last shot is absolutely beautiful ibb! i know, the weather was perfect, wasn´t it? besos!

  4. It's a real tour... We say, in french, when the visit is over... "n'oubliez pas le guide"... So I don't forget to thank you for the discovery !!!

  5. Touristic corner !! My husband is keeping his basque flag and a ring with lauduru... Basque attitude !!! Bises

  6. the cards look wonderful, very much my cup of tea

  7. Aupa Kari!!!!!zer moduz???lan asko beraz???bueno.....ze argazki polttak euskal herria total!!!!
    zer moduz ostiralean????ni ere atera nintzen eta azkenean liadilla baña con retirada a tiempo...azkenian bukatu dira festak!!!ezkerrak!!!!!milla muxu!!!

  8. I LOVE old cards. Thank you so much for that beautiful photo. I examined all the cards in it. Thank you for showing your city by night, also

  9. The last photo looks amazing!

  10. Very cool. I love old stuff like this, and wouldn't mind snatching it up as a souvenir for me.

  11. I'd love to sit in the street and take in the town. Looks like a very nice place to live - beautiful :)

  12. how fun to visit your city via it's souvenirs! The postcard picture is amazing!

    (my CV is HERE)

  13. I long for a warm evening. Sounds wonderful taking a walk like you did. And looks beautiful.

  14. great collection. thanks for posting! i love them.

  15. i am so enjoying my virtual vacation!

  16. I didn't know about the cards! I like the last picture, very good.

  17. thank you for sharing your beautiful corner! I love the last photo, you live in a lovely place. I added your link to my list so that I can visit you every Wednesday :)

    Have a happy day!

  18. All great! I think eating your way through a city or town is the best souvenir! I would definitely pick up some of those yummy looking jars!

    Happy Day!

  19. Great photos! Thanks for sharing your cv with me.

  20. fíjate que no sabía de dónde venían las barajas... una cosa más aprendida.
    and that evening looks indeed just ideal to sit outside, love the mopeds there too, so very typical, teenagers drinking, mopeds parked next to them.

  21. That night time view is beautiful!

  22. Nice! a nighttime souvenir, love the old cards!

  23. que lindo post! gracias por compartir ese pedacito de tu ciudad! :)

  24. Love the photo's.
    I love that postcard - it is beautiful.

  25. You live in such a beautiful part of the world!!! The last picture is just gorgeous!!

  26. There are some beautiful souvenirs to be found in your town. Even the town is gorgeous at night. Would mind to spend tonight there. ;)
    Have a wonderful weekend, Jeannette

  27. Oh, the last photo is beautiful!! I would love to visit there and take a walk in the evening.. lovely..


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