
Autumn days

It has been a sunny weekend, so I took my camera with me and took some photos of the surrounds of the city. It was cool but I enjoyed a lot just because there was little people and I could listen. I love listening around. The birds, looking how nature speaks.
Astebukaera eguzkitsua izan da, eta nire kamera hartu eta kalera joan naiz argazkiak arrapatzera hiri inguruan. Hotz zen eta agian horregatik gehiago disfrutatu dut, jende gutxi zegoelako inguruan. Ingurua entzun nezakeelako. Txoriak, eta nola naturak egiten didan berba.
Está siendo un fin de semana soleado, así que he cogido la cámara y me la he llevado de paseo por los alrededores de la ciudad. Hacía frío y no había mucha gente, por lo que he disfrutado siquiera más. Me gusta escuchar cómo me habla la naturaleza.

And I have been working a bit...I have one hand nearly made!!! It is not very well done, but I think it will warm me.
Eta lanean ibili naiz apur bat...esku bat ia egina diat!!! Ez dago batere ondo egina, baina berotuko duela uste dut.
Y he estado trabajando un poco...casi tengo una mano!!! No está muy bien hecha, pero creo que servirá para calentarme.

A bit of autumn decoration for home. This little cabbages are from my uncle´s garden. And some chestnuts. After my visit to Finland, I could not resist to fill home with candles.
Udazken kolorezko ukituak etxean. Kalabaza txikiak osabaren baratzetik. Eta kastainak. Eta Finlandian pasatako egunen ondoren, kandelak.
Toques de otoño para la casa. Pequeñas calabazas de la huerta de mi tío. Y castañas. Y después de mi visita a Finlandia, irresistibles luces de velas.

15 comentarios:

  1. dear Ibb, sometimes I am not sure about what to write to you. I enjoy reading your notes, I sense a wonderful simplicity and clarity in them. That is the one comment that always comes to my mind when I visit you.

    have a nice week.

  2. Maye because i try to look things with a kind of simplicity and clarity. And just a "hello" is enough for me. It is a great pleasure to be read. And more if the reader is a great writer.

  3. Your river is beautiful... so the decoration and the "mouffles" are... The river is an important part of my poetic worl... so, I wanted to say to you that yours is great !

  4. We are big fans of candels over here. Always have. It's almost like having fireflies in the room. Do you have your computer and camera back now? Just one thumb to go, and then the first mitten will be finished, well done!

  5. Ibb nice photos and mitten. You are too funny about my food things. LOL... Hugs my friend. xoxo

  6. I like your three-language blog. Bask is cool, I have had an attraction for minor languages since I discovered existence of Celtic languages when I was at high school, something we didn't learn about in geography but it existed!

  7. great images. looks like you had a nice weekend. hope the weather lasts... besos!

  8. Candles are an essential winter addition in my apartment-so cosy and warm. Great job on the mitten-I just cast on for my first mitten too ;-)

  9. Qué decoracion más sencilla pero a la vez bonita :)
    Me encanta tu proyecto de manopla, es muy graciosa jajaja

  10. Looks wonderful to take a walk there.
    I like your purple mitten-in-progress.
    What a great color to wear in those landscapes...I'm smiling to imagine your hands swinging in joy to hear the birds and walk there, bringing your accents of color to the scene:)

  11. That river looks lovely and I like that purple mitten - great job, it's almost finished! Here is one big fan of candles too. I love them, especially during winters!

  12. The mitten is DARLING! Love it! Great color!

  13. Beautiful serene nature pictures!:)

  14. hi ibb,
    have more beautiful autumn days with candles!
    big hug from finland!

  15. i have also started to lighten up candles, every evening, as the evenings get darker and darker here in the north..

    beautiful gloves you are making!


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