
Walking around city

A need a break, so yesterday I went walking near the city. There are some lakes where one can watch birds, and walk. It was quite quiet, although crisis has kept more people in city this year.
Bueltatxo bat behar nian, beraz atzo ibiltzera irten nintzen. Aintzira batzuk daude inguruan, eta txoriak ikustatu ditzakezu ibiltzen dezun bitartean. Leku lasaia da nahiz eta krisiagatik jende gehiago hirian geratu izana.
Necesitaba romper un poco con todo, por lo que me fui a dar una vuelta por las lagunas que hay cerca de la ciudad. Puedes caminar y observar pájaros. Es un lugar tranquilo, pese a que por la crisis la gente se haya quedado más este año en la ciudad.

12 comentarios:

  1. Going on a walk is like always going on a little adventure because you never know what you are going to find.

  2. I can see the weather is turning to grey.. Here, too, it seems it's going to rain. Just listening to ones' footsteps- that would be a true break. Then, the silence breaks into sounds that were not heard before. You have company (!)

  3. Yeah! just breathing is breaking silence. And if you stop and stop breathing there will be some life breathing near you.

  4. I love walks too. They are soothing and you always discover something new.

  5. The economy crisis has slowed down things here too, hope you felt better after your walk.

  6. love the birds!!! and this little road is baeutiful!!

    i've never wacthed out of africa, it sounds really romantic!!


  7. Aupa potxola!!!landa kenduta ez dut besterik ezagutzen gazteiz inguruan. laister oporrak, asike indarrak artzeko aprobetxatu.
    Muxu gigante bat!!!

  8. The weather is grey here too although I am enjoying it. It always nice to take a walk in the city surroundings, it calms the spirit :)

  9. esa foto es preciosa, los pájaros alineados y el cielo gris...espero que la caminata te haya sentado bien! te mando un abrazo grande desde aqui!

  10. Argazki politak...
    Arnasa hartu eta jarrai ezazu bidea, txoko berri eta politak aurkituko dituzu ta...

  11. I like to go for a walk when I am tired of sitting in front of computer.
    Even it's cloud... I love that kind of weather too. I can almost hear those bird sounds...

    Have a great weekend. ox

  12. Your walk looks like a peaceful one. xoxo


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