
My grandmum´s home

This is my grandmum´s house. She is actually in one of the windows, very little as she is, taking care of us.
Hau nire amaman etxea da. Egia esan lehio batetan dau, txikia bera den lez, guri begira.
Esta es la casa de mi abuela. En realidad está asomada a una ventana, pequeña como es ella, mirandonos desde lo lejos.

The woman with the white hair is mine mum, they are taking some vegetables from my uncle´s. I have my fridge full of natural vergies.
Nire ama, hile zuriduna da, osaban baratzetik tomateak eta daude hartzen. Frigoa bete beteta dut.
Mi madre es la del pelo blanco, están cogiendo verdurita del huerto de mi tío. Tengo el frigo lleno de verdurita fresca.
At the vergie garden, my uncle has a wooden croix that take care of it.
Osabak, egurrezko gurutzea du baratzean, bedeinkatua, zaindua izateko.
Mi tío tiene una cruz bendita de madera, para que cuide del huerto.

10 comentarios:

  1. Your description is touching altogether. Thank you

  2. That's quite an impressive garden! It's nice how your uncle grows vegetables for the whole family (you know, I've never seen a cross in a garden before). Enjoy all your fresh vegetables!

  3. Qué bonita y qué grande es la casa no?
    Me encantaría tener un huerto cerca de casa o incluso en casa,hace tiempo intentamos comprar una parcela en la huerta pero son carísimas!

    Muchos besos :)

  4. the red roses are still there ... (near the statue of Chopin)

  5. i just caught up a little on your blog. love your photos! i´m glad yo are feeling better. thank you for all your fun comments! muchos besos cariño!

  6. I see we both have our fridge full of fresh veggies. I love your grandmom's house. xoxo

  7. Oh, it's beautiful! And that garden! Amazing! Love the Finland series you've been doing too!

    Happy Day!


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