
Fiesta. Ended

Fiesta ended on Sunday. I played the weekend. I didn´t feel to, but they were few and I was asked. Could not refuse.
Jaiak amaitu ziren igandean. Jotzen egon nintzen. Ez nuen gogo haundirik, baina gutxi zirerez eskatu egin zidaten. Ezin ezetzik esan.
Las fiestas acabaron con el fin de semana. Estuve tocando. No tenía muchas ganas pero estaban pocos y me lo pidieron. No pude decir que no.

And now I am working again, looking for some days off. I need them. I feel in the same hole and could not go out. Need a break, to start again, to feel again, to dream again. Words in a language that is not mine don´t go out as easy as I could desire. Will write before going.
Eta orain lanean nago berriro, oporren sai. Behar ditut. Zulo berdina sentitzen dut barrenean, eta ezin dut argirik ikusi. Puntu eta jarraitu bat behar dut, berriro hasteko, berriro sentitzeko, berriro amesteko. Eta hitzak ez dira nahi bezain erraz ateratzen. Idatziko dut joan baino lehenago.
Y sigo trabajando, esperando a que lleguen los días de vacaciones. Los necesito. Me siento en el mismo agujero que antes, y no consigo salir. Necesito un punto y seguido, para volver a empezar, para volver a sentir, para poder soñar de nuevo. Y las palabras no siempre fluyen como uno quisiera, para expresarlo todo. Volveré a escribir antes de irme.

5 comentarios:

  1. I like your "parallel" shots for fiesta ! That's IT ;)

  2. I suppose it's not easy to play music when the rhythm is not in you, but you did it, and it's not easy to write in a foreign language (don't I know it!), but you have the words and however difficult, they are flowing! Likewise, it's not easy to navigate when you can't find your compass, but you will find it again. Hope you can get some days off soon and remember how to dream again.

  3. it is indeed very hard when you don't feel like it (anything) but, as they say (and "they" are always right, the bastards): this too shall pass!

    va, que tú puedes, ya queda poquito, seguro... ;)

  4. everybody needs some days off!!

    enjoy yours!!


  5. Your words flow beautiful my friend in any language. Try not to be so hard on yourself. Many hugs....


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
Gracias por pasar