
Corner view:Street Fashion

Well, I was no sure about what to take photo to with that "Street Fashion". I am not good taking photos to people, so I take photos to the fashion of Streets. It is a different view of the fashion. This street is of 80th style. In two languages, and hanging.
Ez nengoen oso zihur zeri atera argazkia "Street fashion"narekin. Ez naiz oso ona jendearia argazkiak ateratzen, beraz kaleen moda atera dut. Modaren beste ikuspuntu bat. Argazkikoa 80 hamarkadako estiloa du. Bi hizkuntzetan eta zintzilikatua.
No estaba muy segura de qué fotografiar con "Street Fashion". No soy buena sacando fotos a la gente, así que he sacado fotos a la moda de las calles. Es una forma diferente de ver la moda. Esta calle es del estilo de los 80. Bilingüe y colgante.

This one is an antique style. It is in the old town. Under it, the one in grey, one can see a modern style one, with the picture in 3D of the old town.
Hau alde zaharrekoa denez, aintzinako estilokoa da. Azpian duena aldiz, alde zaharra 3Dan, moderno estilokoa.
Esta es de la parte vieja de la ciudad y tiene un estilo retro o antiguo. Debajo en gris, se puede ver uno moderno con el casco viejo en 3D.

This last one is 70th style. In the wall.
Azkena 70 hamarkadakoa. Horman izegia.
Esta última es de la década de los 70. Colgada en la pared.

11 comentarios:

  1. You're right ! Fashion is in the things too ! Nice idea !

  2. architectural fashion ; ) Have a good day !

  3. wow! Your trilingual blog is very impressive! How do you do it, timewise?!

  4. great shots ... i love the 'fashion' of your streets !!

    i too am impressed by your blog being in three languages !!

  5. Oh, I love your take on this!! So clever! Love all these shots!

    Happy Day!

  6. The streets themselves do have fashion. Very neat! xoxo

  7. I like your shots! I did exactly the same - I showed what the streets were wearing as opposed to what people on the streets were wearing!

  8. excellent approach to street fashion!

  9. I like your street fashion and the whole idea of a matchbox. Beautiful to think of each of these photos in a little box, precious each one.

  10. Works perfect for me too! I love old street signs!


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Mila esker etortzeagatik
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