
Corner view: Twinkle


I tried last week to take some photos of twinkle. A bit of light on the ice formed in the public garden lakes. A bit of light across the fog that is all day above us. A bit of christmas hope in a children eye.
Tried, just because my camera didn´t want to take a good photo. Dark, too much light, moved. Those days that things didn´t went as one would like.
And yesterday afternoon the light went dark. The world went into a horrible darkeness and no one could even switch a light. There are days, when I would like to go and say " stop, what are we really doing?" And although silence was broke in the night by thousands of words of support..silence is inside us, because we are not able to understand, and we are afraid of that, not being able to understand what is happening.

Pasatako asteetan kamera hartu eta argi horren bila atera nintzen. Izotzean isladatzen den argi izpiaren bila, lainoartean ateratzeko ahalegina egiten duen eguzkiaren bila, errege gauean umeen begietan zegoen disdira berezi horren bila. Baina, nahiz eta saiatu, argazkiak ez ziren ateratzen. Argi gehiegi, argi gutxiegi, mugimenduan...Badira egunak noiz gauzak ez diren pentsatu bezala ateratzen.
Eta atzo eguerdian dena ilundu zen. Munduaren gainean iluntasun zakon eta mingarri bat zabaldu zen. Eta ez zen argirik hura apurtuko zuenik. Egun batzuetan jaiki eta "barkatu zer egiten hari gara" ozen esan nahi nuke. Eta nahiz eta atzokoan ixiltasuna milaka pertsonen hitzek apurtu zuten...ixiltasuna barnean dago, gure zakonean, ez bait dugu ulertzen eta beldurtzen gaitu, zer gertatzen hari den ez ulertzeak.

La semana pasada fui a lacaptura de destellos. De la luz que se refleja en el estanque helado por la mañana, de los rayos de sol que intentan romper la niebla, de la ilusión que queda atrapada en los ojos de los niños la noche de reyes. Lo intenté, pero mi cámara no quería capturarlos. O muy oscuras, o muy iluminadas o movidas. Hay días en los que las cosas no salen como uno tiene previsto.
Y ayer al mediodía la luz se apagó. El mundo se cubrió de un mando de horrible oscuridad y nadie era capaz de encontrar ese rayo de luz. Hay días en los que te dan ganas de gritad "eh! esperad, alguien se da cuenta de lo que realmente estamos haciendo?". Y aunque el silencio se rompió ayer a la noche por el apoyo de miles de personas, el silencio sigue dentro de nosotros. Porque no llegamos a entencer, y nos da miedo, no ser capaces de entender lo que está pasando.


18 comentarios:

  1. It is so tragic tht we haven't learned the lesson of hurting one another and those few people feel they need to take it to the next level. When is it going to stop.

    1. That´s the great question, when this going to stop....

  2. Hi Ibabe, I understand your feelings. You are so close physiclly too to Paris, it must be all encompassing . THe image has a beauty in the wonderful light in those clouds and the expression in the blue. I started a diary for you this New Year, and in it I wrote out one Psalm. You ask where is the Light? I believe a light will shine so beautifully and so bright out of this darkness, and even that is why the darkness rears its face, in order that we will seek the light. I wrote out one Psalm in the diary for you, but probably won`T get to around to sending it for a little while ( I always take a while dont I!?), so meanwhile I will write out a few lines from Psalm 145. ♡

    1. O thanks...I could imagine you writing in the boat, with big waves...managing to write....poor girl.
      Thanks so much for your words, just at this moment, the sky has turned pink above the fog...a strange colour and picture...have no camera...sometimes it is enough not to forget.

  3. It's difficult to understand, because there are too many things to understand, or maybe nothing to understand... But I hope there is always a little ligh in the night!

    1. Yes...I think it is something noone really can understand

  4. did you see the comics' response published by le mond? it's chilling, and beautiful

    1. Yes...it is so difficult to set the limits...maybe we shouldn't

  5. I like the photo. It is light, even when it is dark.

  6. i'm charlie too. i hope light comes from this darkness.

  7. Las imágenes de la manifestación en París fueron impresionantes. La gente solo quiere vivir en paz... Muxus

  8. Beautifully expressed . . . the world truly does seem to be in a dark place right now in so many ways, but knowing there are people out there who are even just trying to understand provides a little glimpse of light through the darkness. A little twinkle :-) - Karyn, Eliza's Dream

  9. your photo is gorgeous, and your question....well that is the question isn't it!
    it was a dark day but photo's like your give hope, project hope....cause there is always a light.
    sending you hugs.....

  10. Silence is inside us, that´s to true. I hope and believe, that there is light somewhere.

    1. I belive it is...just sometime lost a bit of that strenght.


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