Always dreamed with a special experience to keep in mind for when one need to bring light into a blue day.
I have little moments and some trips that could be that experience....but always there is a dreamed, maybe idealized moment that one think could change a bit everything.
Siempre he soñado con ese momento especial al que recurrimos cuando necesitamos un flotador que nos saque de esas aguas profundas en las que en ocasiones nos encontramos inmersos.
Tengo momentos especiales y viajes diferentes que pueden ser ese momento....pero tal vez busco algo, tal vez de manera también idealizada, ese momento o experiencia que cambia un poco tu vida.
Beti izan det buruan halako momento edo bidai berezi bat edukitzea, gauzak ondo ez dihoazenean gordetakoa atera eta aurrera ateratzeko.
Momentu txikiak baditut eta bidai zoragarriak ere...baina beti amets egin dut edo agian idealizatu ere, halako zeozer berezia edukitzearekin, bizitza aldatzen dizuen horrelako batena.
That happens to me when I see Ace Camps. Have you heard about them?
about waking up in Jaipur, in the middle of India, just to spent some
days learning block printing technic? What about getting lost in London,
knowing more about food, cooking with great chefs and just tasting new
Es lo que me pasa con los Ace Camps. Habéis oído hablar de ellos?
Qué sentirías levantándote en Jaipur, en la mitad de la india, para disfrutar de unos días aprendiendo a transferir diseños a telas? Y qué al perderte en el mundo gastronómico de Londres, esa mezcla de sabores de las colonias, aprendiendo de los mejores y disfrutando de una explosión de sabores increibles?
Hau gertatzen zait Ace Camps-ekin.
Zer senti daiteke Jaipur erdian jaiki eta eguneroko egitekoen artean telak imprimatzen ikastea badago? Edo Londreseko uniberso gastronimiko aberatz eta multikulturalean murgilduta ibili, milaka sapore berriren oroimena gordez?
And those photography travels? Just taking time to take photos,
travelling throw the lens of a camera. Or just waiking up early to see
sun rising? I am in love with Alvaro Sanz´s ones.
Y los viajes fotográficos? Viajar por el placer de descubrir a través de la lente lo que se nos escapa en nuestros ajetreados viajes? O simplemente levantarse al alba para capturar la luz del amanecer? Los viajes y cursos de Alvaro Sanz me tienen enamorada.
Eta argazki bidaiak? Zeozer berezi hori, argazikiaren bitartez esentzia arrapatzen zaiatu. Momentuak arrapatu eta iruadiren bidez sentimenduak gorde. Edo soilik egunsentian jaiki eguzkiaren lehen argiak arrapatzera? Alvaro Sanz-en proposamenak maiteminduta naukate.
Or just making something unusual with someone special, just known or
adding life, other experiencies. Those experiencies one can rescue when
the rest is going down. Just as the book I am reading now. Wild from Cheryl Strayed.
Any lifeguard experiencies?
O simplemente hacer algo inusual con alguien especial que acabas de conocer o sumar vida, otras experiencias. Esa clase de experiencias que puedes rescatar cuando necesitas agarrarte a algo. O un libor, ocmo el que estoy leyendo ahora. Wild de Cheryl Strayed.
Alguna experiencia que guardéis y os sirva en los momentos malos?
Edo norbait berria ezagutu, inspiratzen gaituen norbait, geure bizitzari zeozer gehitzen duen pertsona horietako bat. Edo liburu bat, irakurtzen hari naizena bezala. Wild, Cheryl Strayenena.
Baduzue halako experientzia salbatzailerik?
Wo, beautiful!
ResponderEliminarSo much packed in here! Your life is amazing with all those experiences! I always think back on Ireland with fond memories and a somewhat disbelief that I actually made it. I have had wonderful experiences in various cities in the US and they all had their special points. My favorite city here in the US is San Francisco.
ResponderEliminarI read Wild too -- an eye-opening book. :>)
Ireland? I must go back too...a great weeding experience when I was in my memory
Eliminari would be ok with the less exotic - a trip to london.
ResponderEliminarOr just to visit me...
EliminarEz nituen bidai hoiek ezagutzen. Jo, ze pasada! Izugarri pinta ona dute guztiek.
ResponderEliminarBidaian joan eta guztiz birziklatua itzultzearena, askotan amestu izan dut. Baina egia esan, nik uste dut egunerokotasunean aldaketak egitea eta aurrera jotzea askoz garrantzitsuagoa dela. Nor ez da itzuli noizpait bidai batetik guztiz erlajatua, zen puntuarekin, eta hilabetera berriro ere zen-a bikutara joan dela konturatu? Baina amestea ere gauza polita da :)
Astebete...nire zen puntu horrek normalean astelehen erdirarte irauten du, jajaja...baina azkenean berdinera itxultzen garelako da, ez?
EliminarBaina ametsak horrelakoa, behintzat, izugarriak dira ;)
I bought immediately "Wild". And I'm very excited about it.
ResponderEliminarDiscover new things is so much fun. I would like to see as much. Travel doing so well.
Tell about it when you read...I am lazy reader now with two dogs at peace ;)
Eliminaryes, oh, yes!
ResponderEliminarbring it all on!!
Adventure all over this!
ResponderEliminarGreat adventures, wouldn't mind to join you;-) and there's some things I will add to my bucket list, the block printing in Indian!:-)
ResponderEliminarI hadn't heard about Ace Camps before, but they do sound great! Must read a bit more about them. Also, Wild seems like a book worth a read, might need to read it next. I seem to think back to all my adventures a lot, all the travels at home and abroad.. and I'm always in need of a new adventure, somewhere near or somewhere exotic, I wouldn't really mind. :)