Haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry typically characterised by three qualities:
- The essence of haiku is "cutting" (kiru). This is often represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas and a kireji ("cutting word") between them, a kind of verbal punctuation mark which signals the moment of separation and colors the manner in which the juxtaposed elements are related.
- Traditional haiku consist of 17 on (also known as morae), in three phrases of 5, 7 and 5 on respectively.
- A kigo (seasonal reference), usually drawn from a saijiki, an extensive but defined list of such words.
This year I decided to take my dream of writting a bit more seriously. So as I find no time to write a long novel, I decided to start just to write. I find writting haikus a very interesant and pleasant exercise. I can write in quite short time, some lines, just a pair of poems or more. A morning feeling, a night dream, a snowy morning. All seams to be easier, just to write something everyday.
I have a notebook that I bring with me everywhere, and when I find a moment and an inspiring ray of light passes, I write.
I don´t know how far will I write or how good are my poems, but at least, I am starting to write.
El haiku , en español frecuentemente jaiku (siguiendo la transcripción fonética directa), es un tipo de poesía japonesa. Consiste en un poema breve, formado por tres versos de siete y cinco silabas
respectivamente. Comúnmente se sustituyen las moras por sílabas cuando
se traducen o componen en otras lenguas. La poética del haiku
generalmente se basa en el asombro y el arrobo que produce en el poeta
la contemplación de la naturaleza.
Este año me he tomado mi sueño de escribir algo más en serio. Había tratado de escribir antes, pero después de rellenar hojas y hojas, los textos se quedaban a medias, las historias empezaban y no terminaban nunca...no encontraba tiempo suficiente para escribir, con mayúsculas y en serio.
Escribir haikus ha resultado interesante e inspirador. Son poesías cortas que puedo escribir en cualquier momento, varias, o simplemente una...dependiendo del tiempo y la inspiración. Las mañanas, la luz, la nieve, los sueños...resulta sencillo escribir algo tan sencillo y tan corto. Y aunque no lo hago todos los días, empiezo a recopilar unas cuantas.
Llevo siempre conmigo una libreta y en cualquier sitio que las musas me visiten puedo arrancar unas líneas al silencio. No sé si son buenas o no, no sé cuánto tiempo aguantará este proyecto...de momento, estoy empezando a escribir.
Habéis probado alguna vez a escribir Haikus?
Haiku jatorrian japonierazko olerki mota bat da, 5-7-5 silabako lerroetan antolatutako 17 silabek osatua. Renga izeneko olerkiak dira haiku-en oinarrian. Deskribapen objektiboa egiten dute haiku idazleek beren lanetan, baina irakurlearengan zirrarak eragitea izaten da deskribapen horren azken helburua.
Aurten idaztearen ametsari aukera bat ematea otu zait. Betidanik idatzi izan dut. Etxean hasitako historio asko gordetzen dituzten horriak daude, baina inoiz ez dira hazten edo amaitzen. Denbora faltak eta agian ametsa egi bihurtu daitekeenaren konfidantza faltak amaitu gabe lagatzera bultzatzen ninduten.
Haikuak idazten hasi naiz. Erreza eta inspirazioz beteak topatzen ditut. Edozein momentutan nirekin eramaten dudan libretan idatzi daitezkeenak. Egunsenti gozoa, amets egindakoa, usai bat...
Ez dakit onak diren hala ez, baina gutxienez idazten hasi naiz.
Probatu ahal duzute noizbai halakoak idaztea?
My favourite poetry ;) Interesting post!!
ResponderEliminarHave a poetic day.
Too much white views...let´s paint a bit of colour.
Eliminarseems very complicated, though a good point to start if you want to practice writing! I wish you'd posted on of your haikus!
ResponderEliminargood luck with your project!
It is quite easy just to write...to write well or beautiful...must be.
EliminarI am just trying!!
Hi Ibabe, Too amazing to speak of connections, do you realize on our joint theme, we both posted Hokusai views of Mt. Fuji!! I would say that is amazing!!
ResponderEliminarI am so happy to hear of your writing Haiku. How beautiful to see you in that chair!
Beautiful post. I feel more in Japan here at your post then here in my room (in Japan) kind of and at the same time I feel we are both in the same state (of mind!):))
My picture, by the way, was made by literally CUTTING a postcard that I got from the Hokusai exhibition of his Mt. Fuji, and then within that I put the lines and colors of the rainbow.
It really excites me that we were so in sync on our joint theme without knowing it at all.
You made my day!!♡
Really amazing...it was our connection post ;)
EliminarLast photo is not mine...or even me...I lately have no time for nothing at home. We have another dog (two now) and it is young so full of energy...and she is empting our reserves..hahaha...but can rescue some moments
Keep writing and keep sharing!
ResponderEliminarThanks so much beth
Eliminarsounds like a good way of practising. would love to read some of your haikus :)
ResponderEliminarSomeday, I will post some...are in spanish...at the moment, and for this, the language I feel more confortable.
EliminarHaiku poetry is my favorite! It sounds like music!
ResponderEliminarIs like singing...
EliminarI love Haiku poetry, but unfortunately I can't do it,,,but I like reading them!!
ResponderEliminarI write in spanish...should try to mix a bit of english
EliminarI, too, like reading Haikus. Perhaps I shall follow your lead and attempt to write one in my journal.
ResponderEliminarI think you can try. It is a nice exercise and very inspiring and just can last a few minutes
EliminarI love haiku... so few words can trigger so many mental images and feelings. And the same haiku can feel different when read on different days.
ResponderEliminarI would love to read your haikus!
Some day, I would post them...when feeling a bit more selfconfidence.
EliminarThanks for passing and saying hello
i love haiku too. and it is a good method for playing 'round with words. only a little tricky too, but a great way of meditating. good luck! n♥
ResponderEliminarThanks so much. It keeps my mind creative 10 minutes a day ;)
EliminarNeskatxa, zu bai ausarta! Izugarri zaila egiten zait idaztea neri. Bloga bera ez da batere erraza niretzako eta horregatik betetzen dut gehien bat argazkiekin.
ResponderEliminarPortzierto, ze irudi polita duzuen oraintxe zuen hirian. Eta hemen elur-malutarik ez da azaltzen. Kasuen...
Ez pentsa...hain dira laburrak eta egia esan ez dut edertasunik bilatzen, idatzi eta listo...ez dira onak, baina momentuko esfortzuak halako zeozer dauka...
EliminarHiria izugarri dago...aste bukaeran danak elurretara...ea kamara eramaten dudan eta gero benetako argazkiak erakusten...
This is a very nice project to write poems, haiku or something else. I would like to be able to do this. I hope one day you will show us what you write :)
ResponderEliminarI will...you could do something with all those illustrations or so...a little draw a day or per week, just to keep mind working ;)
EliminarEnjoy weekend
I've never tried to write Haiku - but I used to write a lot of poems when I was younger. All of them were pretty awful I think but I loved the process of writing them nevertheless :-) I hope you share some of your haiku with us one day - Karyn - Eliza's Dream
ResponderEliminarSome days...they are in spanish...should tr to wirte in another language too
EliminarI have written also haikus and I think it´s very good exercise, because it´s not easy at all. Opposite - it´s very challenging to put big idea into just few words.
ResponderEliminarI know, but maybe just finding those words...i don´t know...like the exercise.