
Corner view: walk of my dreams

Today I went to German class and I was alone with the teacher, so I spent all hour talking with her. 
We are more or less in the same age, and it is easy to talk with her. We have been talking about travelling and about how our travelling concept have changed with years. When young, the more important thing was to visit lot of places in few time. With years, one loves more to take it slow. Walk slowly, searching in each trip out of routine, a little journey. I would love to travel around the world, but slowly, knowing not just visiting. Meanwhile I travel little, slowly and walk a lot, just around discovering in each day a new corner in my city. 

Gaur aleman klasera joan naiz eta irakaslearekin bakarrik egon naiz.
Irakaslea eta ni adin berdinekoak gara eta berarekin erreza da hitz egitea. Gaur bidaiatzeari buruz egin dugu hitz. Nola urteekin bidaitzeko modua aldatu izan den. Nola gaztetan garrantzitzuena leku asko denbora gutxitan bizitatzea zen. Eta orain, nola lasaitasunarekin ibiltzea nahiago dugun. Nola nahiago dudan bidai txikiagoak egin eta uneak gehiago aprobetzatuz. Munduari buelta ematea izango zen ametsa, baina ez soilik bizitatuz, baizik eta lekuak ezagutuz eta sentituz.
Orain hiri barneko bidaiak deskubritzen ari naiz, ezagutzen ez nituen eskinak bilatuz, hurbileko bidaiak, sentimenduz beteriko bilatzea.

Hoy he ido a clase de alemán y me encontrado que estaba sola con la profesora, así que hemos estado hablando.
Es más o menos de mi edad, y hemos estado hablando de los viajes. De como cuando éramos más jóvenes nos gustaba visitar cuando más en menos tiempo mejor. En aquellos viajes en interrail donde visitabas un país en diez días. Ahora mi concepto de viaje ha cambiado bastante. Ya no busco el visitar. Me gusta conocer y vivir. Me encantaría dar la vuelta al mundo, pero con calma. Sin prisas, conociendo cada sitio, viviendo en cada ciudad, saludando a sus habitantes, comprando en sus tiendas...viajar viviendo. 
Mientras la lotería no me permita tal lujo, intento ir descubriendo con pequeños viajes en proximidad, lugares, esquinas, tiendas. Ir redescubriendo mi ciudad, haciéndo viajes tranquilos al lado desconocido de donde vivimos.

16 comentarios:

  1. Your ocean photo is especially beautiful! It must have been a perfect evening!

    1. It was in France, Atlantic ocean, so many years ago, a spring night....beautiful night!

  2. you travel in mind already, the best place to start. i've even come to consider this here, our weekly gathering, as a first class travel adventure, opening up new possibilities. what good fortune to have your teacher all to yourself! n♥

    1. Yes it was nice just to talk, being a bit less teacher and pupil, and more "friends" to take...only te or coffee lasted.

  3. Guztiz ados. Eskapada txikiak egitea geroz eta gehiago atsegin dut nik. Bizitza lasaia eta momentua ongi disfrutatuaz.
    Berriro ere, ze inbidia! Elurra ikusteko irrikitan nago.

    1. Argazkia urte asko dala aterea da...gaur ura besterik ez dugu...mendiak elurrakin...igandean mendira elurra zapaltzera eskapadatxoa?

  4. so true. the circle of life takes us back where we started from.

  5. That's true. And we have to praise for slowness...

  6. My thoughts have changed like yours. Nowadays I want to travel slowly and just sit in cafés and watch people and enjoy the atmosphere.

    1. That´s what I learned travelling alone across Finland...was my changing travel...

  7. you're lucky to live where you live! Moutains a nearby, and the sea also!
    warm greetings from the big city!

    1. That´s great. Not big city...but sometimes I miss places like Paris...

  8. you are right, when young you want to do everything fast ... I too like to do things more slowly now :

  9. I hope you will speak in german the whole time :).
    The end of February I visit an English course. I'm very excited.

    With the travel I feel like you. I like to get to know the country and its people. The food and habits. There is so much more exciting.

    1. I try. Not so good, as I mix lot of words in other languages...but trying hard with german this year.
      We need a bit more travel ;)


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