One year ago, I was enjoying nearly summer days in the city. And five years ago....more or less five years ago, everything I thought it was my life broke. All plans, all dreams become nothing,and I had to start again. Thought about looking for the same, in another place, trying to look for all those abandoned dreams...but I learnt that life is more than that. That one must enjoy everyday as it was the last. That little things are the ones that make us happy, and not big dreams. That we have to be happy for what we get, and not sad for what we leave behind. Now I try to enjoy everyminute. Try to make all simple and not think too much. Probably will not be mum, something I thought it was important to me, now I enjoy with my nephew and my friend´s children. Have learnt that we have to enjoy the life we "choose".
Urte bete dala udako egunetaz goxatzen nengoen. Orain bost urte, niretzat berezia zena desagertu zen. Gauzak aldatu egin ziren egunetik gabera. Garrantzitzuak ziren gauzak desagertu ziren eta ametsak ezinezko bihurtu ziren. Berriro hastera kondenatua nengoen. Berdina bilatzen hasi nintzen, baina azkenean ez nun bide horretatik jarraitzerik. Egunerokotasunaz gozatzen ikasi nuen, detaileetatik bizi, gauza txikiek egiten naute zoriontzu. Gauzak simpleago hartzen ditut. Ez dut hainbeste pentsatzen eta bizitzaz beste modu batean gozatzen dut. Ama izan nahi nuen, baina orain hilabaz eta lagunen umeetaz gozatzen det. Azkenean egindako "autaketek" ekarritako bizitzaz gozatzen saiatzen naiz.
Hace un año estaba disfrutando del verano en la ciudad. Hace cinco años todo mi mundo se derrumbo. Lo que creía que era importante desapareció, todos mis planes y sueños se esfumaron. Intenté volver a buscar aquello que había perdido. Al final aprendí que la vida era algo más. Intento disfrutar de cada momento y buscar en las pequeñas cosas aquello que me hace feliz. No tengo grandes sueños, ni grandes pretensiones. Un pequeño paseo por un pueblo de la zona, puede ser tan placentero como un viaje a un país lejano. Ser madre es algo que era importante para mí, ahora resulta un poco tarde. Intento disfrutar de mi sobrino, de los niños de mis amigas....Intento disfrutar de la vida, tal y como "la he elegido".
Oh yes true words! I guess sometimes we need losses and dissapointments to see how lucky we are actually.
ResponderEliminarbarbara bee
That's what we have to do... enjoy our life... everyday.
ResponderEliminarso wise. i'm not good at letting things go, which is not conducive to happiness ...
ResponderEliminarI had to do that 20 years ago. Letting go is key, so that we can truly be open to the new. I am quite happy now and I replaced my old dreams with new ones that are wonderful. :>)
ResponderEliminarLife often is not the way that we thought. Often we find the meaning in it until much, much later. These are often hard times. But you're right, one have to enjoy as often as one can.
ResponderEliminarSo so true and sometimes the journey we did not choose turns out to be even better.
ResponderEliminarYou are very wise lady indeed. I always try to remember that life is here and now. You only have this moment.
ResponderEliminari guess that's what life is about - to enjoy the little things and every moment. letting go is difficult, but luckily there are new dreams, new blessings, new happiness. congratulations on being aunt, by the way! i have been absent for a while again, but it was nice to be back and read what you have been up to. :) what a pity i still didn't get around to visit you - my plans always tend to be cancelled. oh well, one day, one day. i still have to see that corner of spain. :)
ResponderEliminarthats beautiful sweet you! I had just stopped by to say I love you,
ResponderEliminarand what a beautiful sentiment to read.
Your photo too, as you speak of the little things and you are finding what is GRAND in you.
And too I am reading about how we ought to be humble in our lives:)) xo♡(off to teach my Friday a.m. yoga dance class, will think of you and hope you will join us in spirit)
looks wonderful