Wellcome to my dinner fiesta. We have some rice with vegetables from the lunch. We didn´t eat all so we have a bit for dinner. Simple receipt. Rice, green pepper, red pepper, onions and zucchini.
Ongietorri nire afarira. Eguerditik sobratu zen arrosa. Errez erreza. Arrosa, piper berde eta gorriarekin, tipula eta kalabazina.
Bienvenidos a mi cena. Tenemos arroz con verduras que sobró de la comida. Arroz con pimiento rojo, verde, cebollas y calabacín. Realmente sencillo.
And as I don´t want to cook much for dinner I make a sandwich with everything. Cheese, jam, tomatoes, lettuce, fried egg and "gulas".
Eta sukaldean denbora asko pasatzerik nahi ez nuenez bokadilo errezari eman nion. Gazta, yorka, tomateak, lechuga, arrautza frigitua eta gulak.
Y como no quería pasar mucho tiempo en la cocina me hice algo rápido. Un sandwich con todo. Queso, jamón york, tomatitos, lechuga, huevo frito y gulas.
All with a glass of wine.
Dena ardo tragozka batekin.
Regado con un buen vaso de vino.
Bon apetit!
looks very nice your dinner party, i had to look up what gulas is, but a look at the link you gave...it is healthy food!
ResponderEliminarthe wine looks nice too, i'm not a wine connoisseur, aldo sometimes it must be handy to know which one tastes nice!
It was a great dinner ;) J'ai faim maintenant ;)
ResponderEliminari followed the link, but still didn't understand what gulas is. spaghetti fish? :)
ResponderEliminarGulas are a copy made of cod of elvers. Elvers were quite famous here but they are less and less and in a very expencive price. So they made this "copy" made of cod, with the same form, quite similar taste, and cheaper. Nice to use in salads, even in a pizza.
Eliminarwow, those gulas look pretty wild!
ResponderEliminarI think between those and my goyas we can create a new dish!
oh, and please pass some of that rice, looks delicious...
fun dinner party this is! Salut!
I'll pass on the gulas but the rest sounds inviting. I'm not much of a fish person--part of growing up in the mid-west away from major bodies of water. I have never tried jam on a egg and cheese sandwich. My condiment would be mayonaise, but i just might try the jam sometime.
ResponderEliminarThe rice and vegies look and sound delish!:>)
bon appétit!
ResponderEliminarand warm greetings from Paris!
Aupa zu! Hoixe bea in ber det nik astebukaera hontan. Madriden bakarrik geratuko naiz eta nere burua mimatuko dut zuk bezalaxe :D
ResponderEliminarHori ez da plan txarra bez. Batean bakarrik geratu....beraz pentsau zen egin nahi dezun eta ez ahaztu zure burua asko asko mimatzen.
EliminarThe first one looks delicious, but do I want to know what the second one is! It looks like worms? I guess you never know until you try something right!
ResponderEliminarThe first dish is perfect, the wine too. But not gulas for me! This is probably very good but I could not even taste it, I think it's psychological :D
ResponderEliminarwow! those gulas! i'd like to taste these, i have no idea. anything like fish eggs, or completely not?
ResponderEliminarthxs for feeding us, ibb!
The first one I would like to eat.