It was a time that I used to collect letter openers. That collection is on my mother´s. A bit forgotten as I receive few letters.
It was a time that postcards used to arrive home when someone used to go on holidays. Now hardly arrive one, when friend children send a hello from any place.
It was a time that I used to keep I virtually collect moments. I have just opened an instagram account.
Lehen kartak irekitzekoak gorde ohi nituen. Amaren etxean daude gordeak, apenaz jasotzen bait ditut eskutitzak.
Lehen postaleak jaso eta gorde ohi nituen. Lagunak oporretan zihoazenean bidaltzen zituztenak. Gaur egun gutxitan jaso ohi ditut lagunen umeek idatzitakoak.
Jada ez ditut gauzak gordetzen...orain beste modu batera biltzen ditut momentuak. Instagrameko kontua ireki dut azkenean.
Antes coleccionaba abridores de cartas. Tengo una preciosa colección que quedó en casa de mi madre. Apenas recibo cartas.
Antes recibía postales que solían enviar mis amigas cuando viajaban. Ahora apenas recibo alguna que los hijos de mis amigas envian desde la playa.
Ahora apenas guardo cosas....ahora hago colecciones virtuales. Colecciono momentos. Acabo de abrir una cuenta en instagram.
Me the same...started collecting moments and adventures and try to stop hording things...feels better...but it's hard to give those things are go that are already your instagram pics!
ResponderEliminarIt's a beautiful collection... I like this idea... Meet you soon on Instagram
ResponderEliminarI wish I could do that more. I am a 'touch and feel' person. I even print out vacation photos and put them in physical albums.
ResponderEliminarPhotos are different. And books.
EliminarTimes are changing!
ResponderEliminarAh, a woman after my own heart! Moments are the best thing to collect.
ResponderEliminarA friend and I recently revived a post card sending ritual. It's fun and something fun to plan and to receive. I guess that makes another collection for me because I have them taped on the door of my computer armoire.
ResponderEliminarhope you enjoy instagram - is kind of "light", as far as collections go!
ResponderEliminarOngi etorri!! Dexente leku gutxiago okupatzen du kolekzio mota honek ;) Oraintxe bilatuko zaitut.
ResponderEliminarlove the idea of collecting moments! I visited your instagrams, they are a fine collection! An ignorant question perhaps, but what is an instagram? You take it with a mobile phone? Late night, good night dear moment collector, sweet day!
ResponderEliminarVoy a seguir tu colección de momentos ;)
ResponderEliminarun abrazo,
Time change. I use to write lots of letters. Well, nowadays I write e-mails, but because I don´t print them, it just a vain...
ResponderEliminarhello insta-ibb. ;))). yes, a virtual collection is a lot less bulky... and isn't it indeed outworldly we hardly ever still write and receive postcards... it is a shame, i find. n♥