

Inside the church where pilgrims start their way to Santiago, music was waiting to be heart.
Roncesvalleko elizan kontzertuak erromesen pausuak musikaz betetzen zituen.
En la colegiata de Roncesvalles la música esperaba silenciar el paso de los peregrinos a Santiago.

Our walk in Donibane Garazi was full of chocolate.
Donibane Garazitik ibiltzen txokolatez beteriko guneak topatu genituen.
Paseando por Donibane Garazi los rincones olían a chocolate.

Every corner was full of colourful flowers.
Loreak edonon aurki genezakeen.
Encontramos flores en todos los balcones y ventanas.

Colours were the principal actors of the day trip to France.
Koloreak izan ziren Frantziara egin genuen ihesaldiaren protagonistak.
Los colores fueron los protagonistas de la escapada a Francia.

10 comentarios:

  1. yesterday I saw a bicycle with a little (very little) trailer and the sign: cycling to Santiago.

    1. It is a long way to Santiago. I have made just some parts of the way...has that something...for me was like an inner trip.
      Now it is too crowded....but has that something still...

  2. Ai, nola botatzen deten faltan zonalde guzti hori, snif...

  3. Que preciosidad! Me encanta esta zona, la encuentro muy de cuento!

  4. mmm walking in a street smelling of chocolate sounds wonderful.

  5. a beautiful place, but in August there are sooo many tourists!
    warm greetings from Paris!

  6. Love this pics and what I see. At this time (I work in a hospital) and with me work a spanish doctor, who lives in Santiago de Compostela before. :)

  7. Such warm and inspiring photos dear Ibabe! hope you're enjoying the summer and that it treats you well! I'm sorry that I haven't got time to check in before now - love your new header!

  8. I recognized the chocolate shop ... yummy .... and the lovely colorfull stripes.
    Enjoy your summer !


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