
Some days out

Some days out. A mini break at work.
Egun batzuk kanpoan. Lanetik at.
Unos días fuera. Un mini descanso en el trabajo.

Playing a bit with the camera. Outside.
Kamerarekin jolasean. Kanpoan.
Jugando con la cámara. Fuera.

Visiting my grandma. Looking for some special places near her house.
Amama bizitatzen. Leku berezien bila, bere etxe ondoan.
Visitando a mi abuela. Buscando esos sitios especiales cerca de su casa.
Looking for the fountain of inspiration.
Inspirazio iturriaren bila.
Buscando la fuente de la inspiración.

12 comentarios:

  1. i am glad you are back and glad that you had a good time! colourful, cheerful pictures,very beautiful


  2. I found that fountain in Lisbon (I think)! Now, let's think east:)

  3. i love this 2nd photo!!!
    hope you will make the most of these few days:)
    (thank you so much for your beautiful, moving comments!)

  4. Biennnnn has vuelto :)
    Me gustan un montón las fotos, siempre que escribes cosas de tu abuela me imagino una casa chulísima y una mujer muy vital.
    Muchos besos!

  5. have a nice, relaxed break and try to fill your battery:)

  6. Looks like you found it! Enjoy your time off :^)

  7. sounds simply wonderful. enjoy!:)

    p.s. love the second photo!

  8. Y? la has encontrado? al menos espero que hayas renovado tu energía a tope. ¡Que bonitas fotos!

  9. Seems you are enjoy summer too...
    Been working a lot but took some time off -swimming ,beach and going around with my friends...And love the heat...


Thanks for coming in
Mila esker etortzeagatik
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