
Corner view: me

Comparing with last year photos...I must say I am a bit more blonde.
Ihazko argazkiekin konparatua...Piskat rubixa nagoela esan dezaket.
Comparando con las fotos del año pasado...Debo decir que estoy algo más rubia.

That I feel a bit more shy when I look outside and have to do something.
Ez diodala munduari ihazko balentia berdinarekin begiratzen zeozerri aurre egin behar denean.
Que no miro al mundo con la misma osadía que lo hacía.

That I feel yet a bit confussed about what it would come, but I am learning not to take care about it.
Zer etorriko denari buruz nahastua sentitzen naizela, baina kasu haundirik egin gabe bizi nahi dudala.
Que me siento un poco confunsa acerca de lo que pueda pasar, pero estoy aprendiendo a no darle mucha importancia.

Sorry for the midnight photo improvisated session. It is a bit paranoic.

More visions of oneself here.

19 comentarios:

  1. double exposure and movement: interesting!

  2. Hello you! I like midnight improvisation sessions, am quite familiar with them :)
    Wish you more answers and less worrying!

  3. I get a little see sick from your dubble photo!! Fun!

  4. your creativity never stops:) and yes to coffee!

  5. jajaja qué chulas las fotos! marean pero expresan mucho!
    Respecto a lo de no darle mucha importancia al futuro estoy en la misma fase... aprendamos a vivir el minuto y no nos mareemos por todo :)

  6. These are very artistic Ibb! Keep up the midnight improv sessions :^) I like it!

  7. Very good idea! Like this series!

  8. I wish it all works our for you Ibb. Make something good out of it, if you may.

  9. midnight sessions are fantastic! i like them...

  10. your hair is getting more blond, mine is getting more dark...

    Beautiful and expressive moments of YOU:)

  11. me encanta la paranoia de tus fotos!

  12. Love these portraits. They seem so true. Thanks for sharing them!

  13. You can say a lot through your photos. I think you should explore your creative side more (and go to sleep earlier:))

  14. Thank you Ibb!
    Very interesting pictures, well done!


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