

AUGUST as wikipedia says is the eight month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar.
I was ooking for some interesting which could excuse me to make other´s holiday month a productive month for me (as I have to work in August) and  I found these words.

August: Happiness Happens Month

So I thought, everyone will be resting while you have to work. So let´s make something this month to keep you busy,  and in september when you will have some days off and will be resting ...wait for the feedback. So I decided to give a chance to your creativity and imagination and try to be "productive" this month.

The idea is to full this space with words, music, photos and handmade things. To create a huge brainstorming inside my little matchbox.
Will try...hope you take part and like it!


Mum I am half blonde

The latest book I read was Haruki Murakami´s Sputnik Sweetheart. Miu was a woman that one night has a strange experience and after that her hair become white.
Irakurri dudan azken liburua, Haruki Murakamiren Sputnik Maitea da. Miuk gau arraro baten ondorioz hilea zuritu zaiola somatzen du.
El último libro que he leido es Sputnik mi amor, de Haruki Murakami. Miu es una mujer a la que después de una noche en la sufre una extraña experiencia, el pelo se le vuelve blanco.

Or maybe could it be Rogue. The woman who has two colour hair?
Edo agian komikiak laga beharko nituzke?
O tal vez debería dejar los comics? Pícara?

Don´t let your hairdresser play with your hair....or she was not playing and it was a signal of deep change?


Wandering dreams

I have an empty bag hanging on my door.
Poltsa huts bat diat atean zintzilik.
Tengo una bolsa colgada en la puerta.

Waiting to be fulled. Fulled of those essences that make day by day life so sweet.
Egunerokotasuna xamurra egiten duten gauzez bete dadin itxoiten.
Esperando a que se llene de esas esencias que hace la rutina algo dulce.

Waiting for the wave to come and bring a letter of love from the other side of the world.
Olatuei itxoiten, amodiozko eskutitza munduko beste aldetik noiz ekarriko itxoiten.
Esperando a que las olas traigan una carta de amor desde el otro lado del mundo. 

Maybe not to feel so lonely. Maybe to find that light in the darkness of the night.
Agian hain bakarrik ez sentitzeko. Agian iluntasunean argi bat topatzeko.
Tal vez para no sentirme tan sola. Tal vez para encontrar una pequeña luz en la noche.

Have a nice weekend.


Corner view: me

Comparing with last year photos...I must say I am a bit more blonde.
Ihazko argazkiekin konparatua...Piskat rubixa nagoela esan dezaket.
Comparando con las fotos del año pasado...Debo decir que estoy algo más rubia.

That I feel a bit more shy when I look outside and have to do something.
Ez diodala munduari ihazko balentia berdinarekin begiratzen zeozerri aurre egin behar denean.
Que no miro al mundo con la misma osadía que lo hacía.

That I feel yet a bit confussed about what it would come, but I am learning not to take care about it.
Zer etorriko denari buruz nahastua sentitzen naizela, baina kasu haundirik egin gabe bizi nahi dudala.
Que me siento un poco confunsa acerca de lo que pueda pasar, pero estoy aprendiendo a no darle mucha importancia.

Sorry for the midnight photo improvisated session. It is a bit paranoic.

More visions of oneself here.


Some days out

Some days out. A mini break at work.
Egun batzuk kanpoan. Lanetik at.
Unos días fuera. Un mini descanso en el trabajo.

Playing a bit with the camera. Outside.
Kamerarekin jolasean. Kanpoan.
Jugando con la cámara. Fuera.

Visiting my grandma. Looking for some special places near her house.
Amama bizitatzen. Leku berezien bila, bere etxe ondoan.
Visitando a mi abuela. Buscando esos sitios especiales cerca de su casa.
Looking for the fountain of inspiration.
Inspirazio iturriaren bila.
Buscando la fuente de la inspiración.


Corner view: saturday

Taking a time to have breakfast and not running with coffee in one hand as usual.
Gozaltzeko denbora hartzen. Astean zehar kafia esku batean dudala korrika atera ordez.
Tomando un tiempo para desayunar en vez de correr con el café en una mano como entresemana.

Cinderella moment.
Errauskine momentua.
Momento Cenicienta.
Mum came with some flowers and I think to control how the cleaning was going...mums...
Ama etxera etorri zuan lore batzuk zekarrela eta uste diat....nola nihoan kontrolatzera ere...amak....
Mi madre vino a casa con unas flores y creo...que a controlar cómo iba....madres...

After work....party.
Lan ostean...poteito.
Después de trabajar...poteo.

More interesant and less normal saturdays...here.


Sunday: Pasta moment

I took a moment to cook. The day was grey. Pasta with vegetables and boiled egg.
Sukaldean sartuta pasa nun denboralditxo bat. Eguna grisa zan. Pasta verdura eta arraultzakin.
Pasé un poco de tiempo en la cocina. El día estaba gris. Pasta con verdura y un huevo escalfado.


Behind the clouds

The sun was shining.
See here.

Enjoy the weekend.


July = Jazz

July is the month of Jazz in city. Today and for two weeks there are free concerts in some old part bars. I hope to scape and share a beer with some beat rhythm, a bit of R&B with friends and street hot night.
Uztaila Jazz hilabetea da hirian. Gaur eta bi astez, alde zaharreko tabernetan jazz kontzertuak daude doainik. Espero dut eskapadatxoa egitea, garagardoa beat ritmoarekin nahastuz, eta lagunak kaleko gau beroen erritmoan aurkituz.
Julio es el mes del Jazz en la ciudad. Desde hoy y por dos semanas hay conciertos gratis en los bares del casco viejo. Espero poder pasarme a compartir algo de cerveza con el ritmo beat y un poco de R&B con los amigos.