
Corner view: typical architecture

I was thinking about typical architecture, and inmediately thought about Jane and that probably she will show better than me the buildings around us. So I decided to show Atypical, or just more modern one.
Pentsatzen egon naiz euskal arkitekturari buruz, eta Janek fijo nik baino hobe horretaz egingo zuela konturatu naiz. Beraz, nik modernoagoa den arkitektura erakutsiko dut.
He estado pensando acerca de la arquitectura típica de los alrededores, y me he dado cuenta que posiblemente Jane mostraría de manera más exquisita su belleza. Así que he decidido inclinarme or la arquitectura más Atípica, más moderna.

Concrete and glass. Hormigoia eta kristala. Hormigón y cristal.

Strange forms, like a DNA serie. Forma arraroak. Formas extrañas, como una serie de ADN

Wood and iron. Burdina eta egurra. Madera y hierro.

I have realised that this modern architecture is more typical than I thought, just uses the same materials, stones, woods, irons and glass.
Konturatu gabe arkitektura moderno honek materiale betikoak erabiltzen dituela konturatu naiz, egurra, harria, burdina eta kristala.
Me he dado cuenta que la modernidad de esta arquitectura está estrechamente ligada a los materiales de siempre, piedra, metal, madera y vidrio. Por lo que es más típica que lo que al principio podía parecer.
More architectures, here.

20 comentarios:

  1. I can't say I love this architecture ! But I like your post and your pictures, as usual ;)

    have a nice (atypical ?) day !

  2. I haven't see Jane's post yet, but it is always nice to see two different points of view on the same thing. I guess you're right about main construction materials being more or less the same.

  3. Nicely done! I enjoyed seeing all the different mediums. You're right that things haven't really changed all that much as we might think.

  4. Some great modern architecture here. Love the combination of wood and steel, and the DNA style one. I think new architecture is inspiring and I love to see it alongside beautiful old buildings. Good choice of pics.

  5. I love modern architecture, of course... this is my job !!! The last one is very interesting ! Thanks ; )

  6. I love the windows in the last photo.

  7. wow ... such interesting architecture there !

  8. Wow from me too. Love that sky line and those windows with the wooden frames :)

  9. These are fabulous! I chose a mix of modern and old, good and bad......

  10. so different. are those solar heated panels?

  11. yup. totally basque style. very down to earth and honest while being very airy using natural materials and clear lines.
    totally ♥ it.

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. Love the different view you and Jane have picked. I like the modern look as much as the history. xo

  14. La arquitectura moderna me apasiona, ¿donde es? las dos últimas fotos, sobre todo la segunda me gusta mucho!

  15. haha! love these shots. did you go by bike? hugs!

  16. Hi! I would like to thank you so much for the lovely "home sweet home" sign that you sent me for the art exchange project!! Sorry I haven't gotten around to thank you before.
    Thank you so much :)

  17. Love modern architecture...
    Really interesting pics


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